Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Infertility HURTS

Infertility is a heart-wrenching, faith-questioning, relationship-testing, life-altering experience. April is Infertility Awareness Month. Whether a friend, a family member, a colleague or yourself has fought through this difficult fate that MILLIONS of women are fighting day in and day out. They are walking or have walked to hell and back for the chance to be a MOM. It is not an easy road to walk and it sticks with you for a lifetime. You never forget the sting that was created. And even when you have a child the sting still burns. You are never quite whole and you never forget it. Every time a friend/ family member gets pregnant you think "did they have issues?" "why me?" "why so easy for them?" It not only hurts you but hurts the people you come in contact with and tarnishes relationships (sometimes to the point they are beyond repair). It challenges families, and pocket books. And so much more.

This pain is made worse when a company, group, or person uses these feelings. PETA decided to have a contest to honor Infertility Awareness Week. What is the prive you ask....a vasectomy. It is completely insensitive! When called on it PETA is saying...

"we're not exploiting infertility, we're bringing awareness to overpopulation".

When told they offended a large community of animal lovers and were losing support. They reply that it "remains to be seen" and "the contest would go on as scheduled whether its offensive or not."

"The response has been positive and they havent gotten many calls from people that are offended."

The last one is the one I URGE you to change.

If anybody wants to call PETA and tell them they are insensitive please do 757-622-PETA (7382)

Infertility hurts and it is real it is not a joke or a topic to be used for political gain especially from a group that doesnt care that they are hurting people in order to push their own agenda.

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