I have no clue how many people actually read this and I know i really didnt say I was leaving, but I did. i am back and a few things have happened. Yes I know I missed a belly pic i am sorry to say I just dont have one and will for sure post one for week 20. I was out of town and away from DH and it was harder then I thought. I was sleeping in a trailer with my sister and her baby. It was the worst sleep ever. Sister and baby were sick, snoring and conjested, the wind was swaying the trailer and if I was woken up I had to go inside the main house to go to the bathroom. The trip was fine really it was a great visit and normaly somethign goes bad while we are there. One year mom broke her foot, another I put my tooth through my lip etc. This year we were attacked by mosquitoes. I know you are laughing that isnt that bad in compairison to the above mentioned but let me tell you I would rather have my tooth through my lip again. We didnt realize stopping at a reststop to yes the bathroom would be such a big deal and we ended up locking ourselves in the car with 40-50 hungry blood suckers. They only went after my legs and feet (mom and sister are much worse baby is bite free). The problem is nothing in the store is working for the itch. I have even tried a few home remidies and they dont work so here it is 5 days after the bites and I still itch.
Now for the good news. The family was super excited to have all of us there and they doted on Chloe (my neice). There were 2 other babies in the family under one year old so we had a baby show one night. Another night I got a big shock. My aunts planned a shower for me. It was a complete surprise (I was almost an hour late to it). It was so much fun. We played games and had cake and visited with family I never get to see. There were so many gifts we didnt know how we were going to get them home but we did. My sister and I are master packers but let me tell you not one more thing could fit in my little car.
The drive home was the hardest on me I think. I was so excited to be coming home. This was the longest I had been away from DH in 3-4 years. We drove over night just like we did on the way there only this time EVERYONE but me in the car fell asleep. There are parts of the drive that the radio has no stations and it got difficult. By the end of the drive my hands were swollen and hurt. We made it and I am happy.
The twins are getting more and more active. I am still not feeling kicks but I am getting a lot of rolls. Everything )water included) was giving me heartburn while on the trip and nothing has today so maybe it was just stress and being uncomfortable. I have one week til my next appoitment. Dont worry my loyal readers I have no plans to leave again so weekly updates will be weekly again if not more often if something happens.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Twins are in
Please open this we need your help. Twins are in! to read it by clicking HERE. The multiples board I visit is trying something new to see if we can get some help from Oprah. We all know how she likes to do her favorite things show. We were hoping she would do a favorite things show for multiples moms from hollywoods multiples moms. We need your help! Please visit the blog and show your support by leaving a comment. The more support we get the more we might be able to get this going. Thank you.
18 weeks
Your fetuses have become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, babbies are finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.
Sooner then we all think. I am feeling the babies almost daily. Not really feeling kicks all the time (though I do feel some small pops). Most of what I feel is roles. This week a really cool thing hppened. I felt one of the babies from the outside. I guess I just had my hand in the right place at the right time. The last exciting thing that happened this week is we registered. Our registry is set up at Target and Babies R Us (most items are at BRU). Before anyone family reads this and runs off and looks WE DO NOT and WILL NOT find genders out. Just because there is blue on the registry means nothing other than we decided a long time ago that yello blue and green stars and moons was our nurser theme.
EDIT: Wal-Mart was deleted because the staff at the store couldnt help me and wanted me to stand there forever.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Keep your 2 cents
We may be broke but we are happy and will do things the way we want. What is with people do they really think I want to know what worked for their kids 5...10...20 years ago. Hell half of the safety standards wernt in place then. I we dont ask for a tip then we dont want it. I dont care if you think the item I want is not needed or to expensive. If you think that then dont buy it for me. While we are at it what is with people hearing that we are having twins then asking us if we have seen jon and kate. Um just becasue someone is having twins does not make them like jon and kate. I just wish people would learn to butt out until asked. You dont have to like what we are doing you dont have to approve what we are doing. They are our kids and we make the rules.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
17 weeks
The babies skeletons are hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cords are getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

I think I have grown what do you think?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Back from vacation
Sorry to those that worried. I am back and I am alright. Everything is fine with both me and the babies. I will post a better update in a few days.
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