So first the boys got weighed and measured. Owen is 13lbs 11oz(25th %) and 24.5in long (25th %). Ethan is 15lbs (50th %) and 24 in long(25th %).
Then came the fun part... the pedi came in. Her and I have clashed before and I think I need to start trying to find a new one. Owen is where the pedi and I got into it. She was just going to ignore everything. She didn't even notice his head til I said something (which I have brought up as a concern before). Then I once again asked for the meds to make Owen not fight the bottle. Once again she said she doesnt give them unless there is no weight gain. Um excuse me you are not the one having to try to feed him. She once again told me to feed him less more often. He is still hungry though and cries when the bottle is empty and cries while eating because it hurts. His weight has also slowed as a result. So she ordered an upper GI (I really think she only did because I threw a fit and she doesnt believe me). He is also showing signs of torticollis. She told me to flip him in his crib and only play with him on his left and told me all kinds of stuff I am already doing. He also needs a roll under his neck to keep him off his head. Ethan was no problem though he has eczema and a flattening head (though his isnt that bad). So now I have to put a rolled blanket under his neck while he sleeps too. He also got a new formula (Soy) because of the eczema. That makes the 5th formula he has been on.
So things the boys are doing these days.... holding hands, chewing fingers, babbling, drooling, rolling, and holding rattles that are put in their hands.
Now for what you have been waiting!