Saturday, December 5, 2009

Sometimes it's a shitty job

Yesterday I told you about Ethan's little brown tub sharks. Today it it Owen's turn for a poop story I guess.

We are cut bottles cold turkey yesterday. Owen is not liking it. Ethan will drink til Owen is screaming then he stops to watch. Well Today I put the boys down for a nap. They were in nothing but a diaper because as soon as they were up we needed to get ready to leave the house. I just got out of the shower and was getting dressed what Erick headed into the boys room.

"Hun, we have an issue"

I tell him he can change it if someone is stinky. Then I hear it.

"Owen where is your diaper"

CRAP yes that is right. I dont know if it is in protest or what but Owen took off his diaper and rubbed poop on everything he could touch. Including but not limited to: his blanket, the clean sheet I put on just before nap and his teeth. mmmmmm


1 comment:

  1. I think I might throw up. lol Em has started to try to take off her diaper. Thank goodness we live in a cold climate so she will never go down for a nap/bed without a onsie or pants!!!
