Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Little Monsters

If you at all noticed the lack of posts it is because I no longer have 2 sweet little boys. I have MONSTERS. They are taking joy in driving me batty. Limits are being tested. They both like to wait til my back is turned to do something (usually the thing brother just got in trouble for). I am having difficulty keeping them out of the books, and DVDs as well as off of the table. EVERYTHING is a jungle gym. And if they can get to the top before I can make them get down they proudly put their hands in the air and yell "tada!" I have to keep telling myself that it is just a phase. BUT let me tell you correcting the same thing 20 times in 4 mins is not fun. Naps are spent recovering or trying to get as much housework as I can seeing as it is no longer safe to do anything wile they are awake. Bedtime Is spent cleaning up from dinner and spending time with Erick. So I am sorry for not posting how smart, cute, talented etc my kids are at this time in some time but right now I think they are MONSTERS. Now it is off to bed because they seem to think 6 am is a good time to wake up now.

1 comment:

  1. Not my little angels??? :( Whip 'em into shape! They'll figure it out soon enough! XOXO Jenn
