Monday, February 21, 2011

Weekend Review

This weekend was hard for me for a few reasons. I had really been looking forward to it but as it came closer I got more and more nervous about it. Why you ask? Well Erick and the boys were going away for the weekend without me. This was the first time EVER I have been away from the boys.

Friday- The morning started out with my mom coming over to watch the boys so Erick and I could go see the belly baby. We had a great NT exam. I will get the results this Friday.

Then we went shopping so I would have something to eat while they were gone. When we came home Erick went and got my current lunch of choice. TOGOs Mmmmm

After lunch Erick and I packed the car and away they went. I spent the rest of Friday cleaning up toys, moving furniture and watching movies. I had a very short visit from some friends that brought me cake and cookies. mmmm. I "slept" on the couch because I didnt want to deal with the laundry on the bed LOL.

Saturday- I had a horrible nights sleep. The morning didnt get much better. When I woke up my kitchen had been over run by ants. They decided to skip the plate of cake on the counter and go for the leftover cake still in the container. After taking care of that and getting breakfast I headed to the store to get a rug doctor.

It took 2 passes to get the carpet clean and in order to do that the floor had to dry completely before I could do it again. I did the living room and dining room in shifts. I had to take a lot of breaks for the floor to dry and because if I started to work to hard or long I didnt feel good. I finally returned the cleaner at 10 pm after almost 12 hours of shampooing and dry time. I went to bed Saturday night with the floor still damp, fans on and the heat up.

Sunday- I slept in til almost 9. I guess I was really tired. I picked my mom up and we drove to have breakfast in another town. After that shopping to get organizers for the boys toys. Then back home to finish setting up before my men came home.

With the help of I mom I was also able to get the kitchen and front bathroom cleaned. And now I have a living area as well as a toy area. I love it! The boys came home at around 4 and they love the toy area too.

Monday- So far today has been full of kisses, snuggles, hugs, playing and relaxing. A perfect way to end a busy weekend.


  1. I was not the same this weekend at the house without you. I missed you. I had a great time with your men. Lots of play with Owen and Ethan. They were adorable and It seems they had a good time too. But I am pretty sure they were ready to head back home and see mommy. Your place looks very clean and the layout is good.
