I know you wouldn't know it by looking at me but there are some things I am an obsessive perfectionist about. Party planning and throwing is one of them. Saturday the boys were baptized. I know deep down that things were great but I was stressed that things were not going as I had envisioned. We were told by the church that the baptism was to start at 930, to be there early and it was going to be us and one other family at most. Turns out that it was us and 3 other families and didn't start til 11. The boys had been up sense 6 am and needed a nap but people were playing pass the baby (bugging me even more because I dont know when they washed their hands and I know they didnt sanitize but that is a whole 'nother story). When I finally did get the boys to nap people thought it was a photo op waking them again. After the baptism we headed to the house for the after party. The boys are way cranky and hungry. They need a nap but wont go down. We feed them and let them play on the floor which apparently is an open invite for anyone that wants to hold a baby to come in and pick them up. There were way to many cooks in the kitchen. After this weekend I had to retrain the boys that tummy time is ok because of the amount of times they were picked up and the length of time they were held.
Saturday we got ready early and went to the movies. We picked up my mom and her us and the boys all went to the theater. We saw Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince. We went knowing we may have to leave the theater. We were prepared with bottles and bitter biscuits for the boys. The movie was timed so the boys would nap (we hoped). Everything was favorable for us. You would not believe the dirty looks I got as we walked into the theater. The movie was good. The boys were good. They took a little nap but mostly they sat and looked at the screen. I only had to get up and walk out with a baby once. As soon as I stood up he calmed down so I stood in the doorway so I wouldnt have to miss the movie. Once that was over we went to lunch. The boys devoured bread sticks from Olive Garden while we ate.
Sunday we once again spent some time with my mom. We went to her apartment and went swimming. The boys loved the water. It was so fun to watch them even if I did get a little red.
My beach bums
splish splash
Now I am working on the boys baptism next weekend and trying to get things together.
Ok so I know I promised the video from last night but like I said we were getting ready for bed and we were in our PJs....yeah Im not posting that on the net. So here are 2 make up videos. Not as good of a crawl but he is on the move.
Because we are now on the move I need help from good web surfers. I am looking for this....Li'l Playzone with Lights & Sounds. I need to find the best price. If you see it on sale please shoot me a comment.
Look at all the pics but be sure to read the bottom for some exciting news!!!
Our new trick
but I dont want to take a picture... but I do
hey I was playing with that
mmmmmm french fries
fetching french fries
Erick was in the room getting the boys ready for bedtime bottles. I was making the bottles. I walk in and Erick just finished changing Ethan and tells me this one is ready. I set the bottles down on the floor so I could sit on the floor and feed Ethan while Erick finished Owen. Well when I set the bottles down Owen went CRAZY. He got up on his knees and reeeaaaaacccchhhheeeddd. Couldn't get them. He takes one crawling step. I asked Erick if he saw. Nope he wasnt looking. So I move the bottles a little further back and run for the camera. I get back and Owen is on his knees trying hard. He knocks the bottle over. I move the bottles again. He is mad but gets on his knees again and actually crawls. I caught it on video!
We had to go to Salinas to take a class so the boys could be baptized. Before heading home we decided to take the boys to our favorite beach. They had never been to the beach before. We let them wiggle their toes in the sand and let a wave crash over their feet. Owen loved it...Ethan not so much.
Ok so I couldn't think of a title. I thought I should do a better post seeing as the last one was so short. 4th of July was spent with my mom tired and sun burned doing a yard sale. We cant complain to much because we did make some money.
Being away from cribs and holding the boys so much did cause a little disruption in the sleeping pattern. this is what I found when I heard Ethan playing in his crib during nap.
Evern grocery shopping was hard work
But the 4th of July was still fun
After a hard weekend I thought the boys needed to let loose and have fun.
In other news...Owen got up on his knees and rocked today. I am excited because that is the next step moving towards crawling.
One year ago today I heard those words. "Both babies look great". Both. It had taken me a long time after only seeing one baby on the first u/s to get Erick to stop saying that it was wrong and we were really having twins. One year ago today he got to do his told you so dance. When we found out we were having twins it really was a shock. The first attempt at looking at the baby was not a success and we had to wait to see a special tech. We sat in the waiting room thinking after 2 years we had lost the baby we tried so hard and waited so long for. When we got back to see the special tech it wasnt long at all before she said the words that changed our lives in so many ways..."both babies look great". That phrase is as true today as it was then. My boys are wonderful and thriving. They are getting big and for the most part they are doing everything their peers are doing. BOTH BABIES LOOK GREAT! Words that will change your life in ways you cant even imagine.