At 10 am we left the house to go to the mall. This was mistake #1. The boys normally nap at 1030. Silly me thought we would get to the mall take the picture and head home. When we got there we find out the bunny doesnt get there til 11. Choice wait an hour and be 30 min late to nap but be the first on the bunny or head home? The mall has a play structure that the boys love so we played. When it got crowded we went to get a snack. In getting a snack we saw Erick's aunt who showed off the boys to her friends :) and we ate and waited. When it got time for the bunny we went to check out the set. Then we heard him... the bunny. Owen turned and the bunny waved. Ethan HID. Owen followed EB into the set, walked right up to him and asked to be picked up. Ethan screamed. We waited and tried. Didnt work. The lady was really nice that was taking the picture and told us just to try again later that there was no charge as long as we didnt print anything. Se we went to lunch then naps.
After naps we gave the boys a snack. I loaded my pockets with candy and we headed back to the mall. Owen in seeing EB ran up and again asked to be held. Ethan sat on the floor and screamed. So I picked him up and held him. I didnt move any closer to EB and I gave Ethan candy. The crying stopped. I waited a second and took a step closer. Once again screams. candy... wait...step. Eventually this process worked to where I was sitting next to EB holding Ethan. We waited and eventually Ethan let EB touch him. Not hold him but touch him. So we sat Ethan next to EB and took some pictures. The photog was great and took 3 let us look and we must have deleted 5 or 6 sets before getting a good one. Eventually Ethan let EB hold him but then Owen was done. The only way I got smiles at all was to let them hold a piece of candy and act like I was sneezing. Hey it worked. We got a good shot. Smiles and everything.
Drinking juice in the boat at the mall play area

With the Easter Bunny

bribing with candy

everyone on the bunny

what fun for all of you. the picture I like best is the one the EB is holding both of them in his lap. Maybe Ethan will like the EB next year .The EB won't be as big and scary to him as he is now.