Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Being at home all day has its advantages. I will never be able to replace the time I am getting to spend with the boys. But I have the time now to think about stupid stuff. Because I am at home I have the chance to worry about home. I find I am dreaming about a new vacuum or rug for under my table. Yeah I dont think that is normal. I think of taking up a part time job to pay for a gym membership Or having the cash for some special shoes. I dream of reasons to have people over. We are hosting an Easter BBQ for my out of state family that will be in town this year. I can sing the theme songs to "The Dinosaur Train" as well as "Sesame street" and many of the songs either show does during the show. We dont have cable so I find that even when the boys are napping I am watching PBS. AHhh it is fun to be a SAHM. Yes I do realize this post had no point but it was on my mind. LOL.

1 comment:

  1. i need to bring chloe over to play more, she misses you and her "efan" and "owan"
