Sunday, December 19, 2010


Pumpkin patch. We took the boys to look at the pumpkins at this huge farm. They have a train and a tram. A petting zoo, tires to climb, a corn maze and much more. We went because Ethan's EI vendor was footing the bill. They gave all the kids free pumpkins and we got to ride the train (the boys love trains) and the tram. It was still hot here so we didnt visit the petting zoo for to long because we were melting.

Speaking of melting after thanksgiving they have a snow hill there to go tubing on. Well they were testing it out. The boys and Chloe got to throw a snowball.

Halloween was so much fun. The boys understood what to do and were excited. They were the lion and the scarecrow. Their cousin came with us and was Dorthy. So cute to see them walk up to the house, ring the bell, say trick or treat then thank you, welcome. Many people thought they were so cute they gave them more candy.

Shortly after Halloween we went to Disneyland for 3 days. We had an amazing time. The boys loved it. They jumped out of the strollers to run to hug Goofy. Mickey they wernt to impressed with but Goofy they loved. I cant tell you how many times we rode the train. We timed our trip with the start of Disneylands Christmas decorations. OMG it is wonderful. They go all out.

While in Disneyland the boys got to sleep in a big boy bed. They also got to meet Santa, see "snow fall" and meet Mater and MacQueen.

After Disneyland we had Thanksgiving then the boys birthday party. They had a cars theme and We had a great time with friends and family.

My birthday was next. Erick sent me to a salon to get my hair and toes done. My mom took me to breakfast and the boys took me to lunch. It was a great day.

Then came getting ready for Christmas and all the parties that came along with that. I hosted 2 Christmas parties after the boys birthday party one of which was the next day. As soon as all the guests were gone the birthday stuff came down and Christmas went up. First off was the tree for the annual ornament exchange with my family. I couldnt resist putting the boys in their holiday outfits. Santa even showed up at the party to pass out gifts to all the kids.

So now it is almost Christmas and you know just about everything that you missed while I was away. I promise to be better about blogging.

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