Friday, January 28, 2011

Out of the Closet

Today was a very interesting day. In some ways I had a strange case of dejavu. My mom came over this morning to watch the boys. They were great and even waved good-bye as Erick and I left.

We headed to my appointment. I am down 6 lbs. I see the Dr and my BP is good. I get my pelvic and pap done then they attempted an ultrasound. Nothing. Finish the exam and wait to see an ultrasound tech.

ONE beautiful little baby. Waving at us. I am measuring right on track at 10 weeks 3 days. With a heart rate of 142. I am due the end of Aug. If I make it my c-section will be at 39 weeks.

Now you are in on my secret. Dont forget to leave some love. My next u/s is in 3 weeks.


  1. I knew everthing was perfect! Congrats on your one healthy baby!

  2. Awesome! Can't wait to meet little Renee!

  3. So excited for you!!!!!!! Congratulations to you and the rest of the family!

  4. So glad you don't have to hold it in anymore :) I am also glad it's only one. lol
