Friday, June 24, 2011

OB Check today

I am almost 32 weeks along now and am seeing the OB every 2 weeks. Today I got to the OB and it was crowded. I expected a wait. When we checked in I headed to the bathroom and Erick picked out something to read. I have to admit that it is getting harder and harder to get a sample in that tiny cup without making a mess. BUT that isnt something worth talking about. I came out with to sit with Erick and was called instantly...surprise! I guess my ob wasnt as busy as the others in the office today. So we head to the back and I get on the scale. dun dun dun.... up 2 lbs in the last 2 weeks. This means I am up a total of 15 lbs total for the pregnancy. Woo hoo not bad at all. Blood pressure was 108/60.

The Dr always asks if we have any question. I didnt but Erick did. He didnt want to speak up so I did the talking. I told the ob about the few contraction episodes I have had. His exact words were "You know your body better than anyone. You know when you need to call in or be seen and we can always squeeze you in". I think that really made Erick feel better (though he has still been a butt all day). We hear the heart again nice and strong. We were once again confirmed for Aug 15th (still dont have a time) and told see you in 2 weeks. Really I think we were at the OB maybe 20 min total. :)

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Fun at home!

Bath time



101 in 1001 update

Wow it has been a long time sense I updated this. Yes I am still doing it. If you cant remember what it is or what was/is on my list be sure to check out this post.

#4 Potty train Owen & Ethan
Things are going great and Owen has even been going #2 on the potty.

#7 Get more than 5k in savings
We are just over the mark but it is there.

#10 Clean out the closets
It had to be done. With the new baby on the way we needed things out and we needed the space.

#11 Plan a trip to Disneyland
The boys loved it.

#22 Pay off the car loan
Thank you Luis!

#24 Take the boys to 3 different zoos
Boisy, Sac and Mickies Grove

#35 Work on #3
I think the fun work is done seeing as I am 30 weeks along.

#48 Be in front of the camera and share the pics
I have posted a few belly pics.

#55 Get rid of clothing that is never worn
I purged 4 bags of clothing.

#75 Clean out and organize the garage
We got shelving and new boxes.

#83 Make jam/jelly from scratch
peach yummy

#94 Give the boys my fun money twice

30 weeks and all is...busy

Today I am 30 weeks.

Yep it looks like there is a baby in there. LOL

This past Thursday I saw the OB. Everything is going good. I am only up 13 lbs and my blood pressure was 112/70 so good as well. I am now going to be seen every 2 weeks. My pelvic bone is loosening up and is starting to become painful at times. BUT at least it isnt popping...yet. The OB said all he can do is give me vicodin. I didnt want it so I turned him down. We are still on track for AUG 15 being this little mans birthday.

Tonight we went on a hospital tour. We are delivering at the same hospital as the boys but they did a complete new unit/ward for women and babies. We learned all about the new policies and are very excited about delivering there. They walked us through a presentation telling us all about their new "baby friendly" status. They have a breastfeeding group that meets every Wednesday at 1pm. They are very much breast is best and you have to sign papers in order for your baby to be given a pacci or a bottle. The do skin to skin contact as soon as it is safe for mommy/baby. They have a nursery but it is only used for hearing tests or if the baby has an issue. Other than that the baby rooms with you at all times (even if under bili lights). Best part all rooms are private! That in and of itself is a HUGE blessing.

The hospital has also changed its visiting hours and policies. If you would like to know these please contact Erick and he will inform you.