I am great the babies are great. I have been busy packing lol. We move this weekend and I cant wait to get in our new place. The babies will have a room of their own and we get a bathroom to ourselves. We also get to have our very own washer and dryer. As for the babies they have been less active the last week or so and it has me a little worried. Every time I think to myself that I am going to call if they dont move. They move. The other day they actually ganged up on me. One of them moved up making me very uncomfy. I finally got them to move down so I could eat then it moved right back up. The other one decided it was a chance to sit on my bladder. So I had one making me want to pee and the other making me want to hurl. It was a fun day. Today I had another fun experience. I was sitting on the floor pacing a box when I needed to get up to put something in another box the pressure made me pee my pants. THANK GOD I was at home and could change but still.
i dont have a belly pic this week but I will next week.
Friday, September 26, 2008
Monday, September 22, 2008
Good things come to those that wait
I know I haven't been posting and I went through my posts and started noticing that I was posting for others rather then an outlet for myself. I dont know how many people read this (I know I have one follower) but I think I need to go back to posting for me. I am really happy if you do read this and find it helpful or just like being up to date on my life if you are family/friends.
Life as we know it is changing and it is happening all at once. I know duh its changing your having twins. Its not just that its everything and life feels really unstable right now. It is getting harder for me to be on my feet teaching all day. When I did a full week last week in 6th grade though I did have fun I was exausted at the end of the day and slept like 12 hours friday night. On top of that we are moving. Yes I am happy to be moving it is a great improvement but I feel useless. I can pack the boxes but then I have to leave them there til Erick can move it for me. I also tire easily so he is still packing and Im sitting on the couch drinking water. i know its my job to bake the babies but I hate that he is doing so much. He spends all day at work and comes home to pack. Its not fair to him. Speaking of his work. He just got the call that he got the job he applied for. This means a big pay jump for our household. Not only that but he did something I didnt think he would even try. When they offered him pay 1 he talked them into pay 2. I am so proud of him standing up for what he thinks he is worth. He starts in 2 weeks and by next weekend we will be in our new place. Live looks good even if it isnt the same. oh did I mention that our new place is 2 bed 2 bath with washer and dryer hookups and a pantry. The complex has a plyground, pool, spa, tennis courts, gym and lawns.
Life as we know it is changing and it is happening all at once. I know duh its changing your having twins. Its not just that its everything and life feels really unstable right now. It is getting harder for me to be on my feet teaching all day. When I did a full week last week in 6th grade though I did have fun I was exausted at the end of the day and slept like 12 hours friday night. On top of that we are moving. Yes I am happy to be moving it is a great improvement but I feel useless. I can pack the boxes but then I have to leave them there til Erick can move it for me. I also tire easily so he is still packing and Im sitting on the couch drinking water. i know its my job to bake the babies but I hate that he is doing so much. He spends all day at work and comes home to pack. Its not fair to him. Speaking of his work. He just got the call that he got the job he applied for. This means a big pay jump for our household. Not only that but he did something I didnt think he would even try. When they offered him pay 1 he talked them into pay 2. I am so proud of him standing up for what he thinks he is worth. He starts in 2 weeks and by next weekend we will be in our new place. Live looks good even if it isnt the same. oh did I mention that our new place is 2 bed 2 bath with washer and dryer hookups and a pantry. The complex has a plyground, pool, spa, tennis courts, gym and lawns.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
22 weeks already
and all is well. Life has been a little topsey and we are trying to move so that has things a little crazy right now. We found a great place and are just waiting for a move in date. The new place isnt far from where we are now but it is so much better.
As for me I still feel great. I know you want more but really things are a little boring

If you really want to see the difference look at 20 weeks and at march's post "sick and twisted"
As for me I still feel great. I know you want more but really things are a little boring

If you really want to see the difference look at 20 weeks and at march's post "sick and twisted"
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Yesterday in a nut shell***updated***
So the appointment didn't go that well and was great at the same time. My appointment was actually two appointments. First with the Dr then an hour and a half later with the U/S tech. My weight gain is is fine 13 lbs at 20w4d I am happy with that and they didn't seem to mind. My BP was 130/70 but I had just ran to the bathroom because I really had to pee. We got to hear the HB for the first time 170. He said both were so close it was hard for him to tell if he was hearing the same one or the other twin. He wants me on iron pills now. That really was all for the first appointment then he had us wait in the exam room for our next appointment. We tried telling him that it wasnt for an hour and a half and he didnt listen. He went and told the tech to squeeze us in sooner and that we would be in that room. There was nothing in there to do. We finally convince them that its ok we can sit in the waiting room and go out there and she calls us back again for our u/s.
The u/s went great. Both babies are healthy and measuring right on track as far as height/ length. Their weights were estimated at 13 and 14oz. One twin is across my belly behind my belly button with its head at my left hip and the other is heat at right him and down with feet at my crotch (guess I know who kicked me). The tech couldnt figure out if she was labeling them right because they have shifted so We think they have switched a and b. We opted not to know the genders but we did find out why I am not really feeling kicks. One baby is kicking the other in the face and getting kicked in the back of the head. They were very happy in there and very active. Erick was ear to ear grins the whole time.
When we left there we headed straight to SF for a Giants game. We were celibrating Ericks bday. The day ended great with the Giants winning 6-2.

The u/s went great. Both babies are healthy and measuring right on track as far as height/ length. Their weights were estimated at 13 and 14oz. One twin is across my belly behind my belly button with its head at my left hip and the other is heat at right him and down with feet at my crotch (guess I know who kicked me). The tech couldnt figure out if she was labeling them right because they have shifted so We think they have switched a and b. We opted not to know the genders but we did find out why I am not really feeling kicks. One baby is kicking the other in the face and getting kicked in the back of the head. They were very happy in there and very active. Erick was ear to ear grins the whole time.
When we left there we headed straight to SF for a Giants game. We were celibrating Ericks bday. The day ended great with the Giants winning 6-2.

I've been tagged
I've been tagged by Sweatpea -
The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules to your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.
6 random things about me:
1. Erick is my first and only. First love, first kiss, first cough cough, he is my first
2. I had a dream the night before I took the pregnancy test that we were having twin boys but its just a dream .... right....we will see.
3. I am a Disney freak and actually get excited over Oct and March because the new Disney DVD comes out.
4. I have a birthmark just above my belly button. When I was little it was in my belly button. When I was born it was on my cord and my mom thought the Dr had damaged me.
5. The only phone number I know by heart is my moms. I dont even really know my own cell or home number I am always giving one for the other or half of each lol
6. My favorite movie of all time is the Labyrinth and most people have never even heard of it.
5 foot
The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules to your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.
6 random things about me:
1. Erick is my first and only. First love, first kiss, first cough cough, he is my first
2. I had a dream the night before I took the pregnancy test that we were having twin boys but its just a dream .... right....we will see.
3. I am a Disney freak and actually get excited over Oct and March because the new Disney DVD comes out.
4. I have a birthmark just above my belly button. When I was little it was in my belly button. When I was born it was on my cord and my mom thought the Dr had damaged me.
5. The only phone number I know by heart is my moms. I dont even really know my own cell or home number I am always giving one for the other or half of each lol
6. My favorite movie of all time is the Labyrinth and most people have never even heard of it.
5 foot
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
He felt the baby
And I got the worst reaction ever. All he said was "is that all". He has been bitching for weeks that I could feel it and he couldnt and that is the reaction to the first feeling. He said he was expecting a high 5 or karate chop. POO HEAD.
You asked for it
OK its more like you whined that I was late in getting one.

Oregon was fun and below is a pic of the stuff I got. I really don't have an update really til Monday but I thought I would give you what you wanted.
from babycenter.com
How your baby's growing:
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

The 20 week belly

baby stuff that has no home right now

15week and 20week side by side kinda

Oregon was fun and below is a pic of the stuff I got. I really don't have an update really til Monday but I thought I would give you what you wanted.
from babycenter.com
How your baby's growing:
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).
The 20 week belly

baby stuff that has no home right now

15week and 20week side by side kinda

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