Monday, September 22, 2008

Good things come to those that wait

I know I haven't been posting and I went through my posts and started noticing that I was posting for others rather then an outlet for myself. I dont know how many people read this (I know I have one follower) but I think I need to go back to posting for me. I am really happy if you do read this and find it helpful or just like being up to date on my life if you are family/friends.

Life as we know it is changing and it is happening all at once. I know duh its changing your having twins. Its not just that its everything and life feels really unstable right now. It is getting harder for me to be on my feet teaching all day. When I did a full week last week in 6th grade though I did have fun I was exausted at the end of the day and slept like 12 hours friday night. On top of that we are moving. Yes I am happy to be moving it is a great improvement but I feel useless. I can pack the boxes but then I have to leave them there til Erick can move it for me. I also tire easily so he is still packing and Im sitting on the couch drinking water. i know its my job to bake the babies but I hate that he is doing so much. He spends all day at work and comes home to pack. Its not fair to him. Speaking of his work. He just got the call that he got the job he applied for. This means a big pay jump for our household. Not only that but he did something I didnt think he would even try. When they offered him pay 1 he talked them into pay 2. I am so proud of him standing up for what he thinks he is worth. He starts in 2 weeks and by next weekend we will be in our new place. Live looks good even if it isnt the same. oh did I mention that our new place is 2 bed 2 bath with washer and dryer hookups and a pantry. The complex has a plyground, pool, spa, tennis courts, gym and lawns.


  1. Congrats. on all the exciting news. New jobs, new apt., and babies. Things like life is good.

  2. I am following your story - trying to glean some twin advice from your tales. Thanks for sharing.

  3. I read- I just dont comment- but you know I love you
