The u/s went great. Both babies are healthy and measuring right on track as far as height/ length. Their weights were estimated at 13 and 14oz. One twin is across my belly behind my belly button with its head at my left hip and the other is heat at right him and down with feet at my crotch (guess I know who kicked me). The tech couldnt figure out if she was labeling them right because they have shifted so We think they have switched a and b. We opted not to know the genders but we did find out why I am not really feeling kicks. One baby is kicking the other in the face and getting kicked in the back of the head. They were very happy in there and very active. Erick was ear to ear grins the whole time.
When we left there we headed straight to SF for a Giants game. We were celibrating Ericks bday. The day ended great with the Giants winning 6-2.

We didn't find out either. I think it will be fun not knowing for a while. Congrats on your two healthy babies!
ReplyDeleteYay for two healthy babies. I'm so happy for you (but I was hoping for some gender news dang it lol)