Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So today was a busy day. My mom came and took me to my appointments because Erick couldn't take the time off work. That's right I said appointments. I not only had a normal appointment with yet again another Dr but an ultrasound appointment. I was so excited to get to see the babies again but was not looking forward to the scale. I waited my turn and got to see the babies first. HAHAHA no scale yet.

I was really looking forward to this because well one it had been almost 6 weeks without seeing the babies and two movement locations had changed an I wanted to know where they were. We get in there and both babies go crazy. The tech even commented on how active they were which was funny because I was hardly feeling anything. The good news was both babies look great. 2 lbs 4 oz for A and 2lb 5 oz for B. The bad news is she couldn't see my cervix so I was told I would have to have an internal as well. It showed that my cervix was great but she asked about pressure on it because baby A is head down ad in position (B is transverse across the top from my left to my right). I got some more pictures but dont have them scanned so sorry you have to wait. After this I went back to the waiting room for my regular appointment.

Dun dun dun I get called and that means the scale. I knew I had gained I just didnt know how much. I get on and 4 lbs. Are you kidding me 4lbs in 2 weeks. I got myself ready for the talk. This brings me up to 23lbs total. He comes in and says whatever I am doing keep it up because I am doing great. I have no restriction except for flying. My GD test was scheduled and I have to do it fasting. So my next appointment is in two weeks.

Earlier this week Erick and I had a great photo shoot with a new photographer. I cant wait to see some proofs because it was so much fun. Oh and if you haven't done so already play my game and guess about the twins.

1 comment:

  1. Great appts! I'm glad things are progressing so well for you and the babies :-)
