The new apartment: Yes we moved. That is want started this whole mess. The new place is bigger and smaller in its own great ways. I love the new place. It is only a few (3 blocks at just over a mile) steps from the old place. We are in the new place but not yet out of the old one. How is that? Well we wernt sure we were going to get in the new place so we didnt but our 30 day notice in. Right now we are paying for both apartments. This really was a blessing. It allowed us to move slowly and clean even more slowly.
Service transfers: This was an adventure. Cable took a week. Gas (to get hot water) took 3 days. Yes we lived in a place for 3 days taking ice cold showers. Phone took 2 days then only worked for 3 days. The internet was the most fun though. Phone and internet are the same 3 letter titled company. When I called on a Monday I was told that Tuesday we would have phone and Wednesday would be internet both would be on before 8pm on the respective day. Tuesday phone was on by 1pm. Wednesday by 8:15pm we still had no net. I call the only number for the co that is open at that "late" hour is tech. support. So I talk to 3 people including a manager and get told that I will get a call by 11am the nex day. So Thursday I call at noon give them my ticket number and get told that I will be getting a call before the end of business that day. I try to file a complaint and get the following message "due to an unforseen insident beyond our control we can not accept calls at this time" then it hangs up on you. They same message comes up when I try to call billing. At this point I dont trust them. I call at 4:30. At 7pm I finally get to talk to someone. At this point I break down and cry. They had an influx of calls so they were kicking the calls to any open phone in the company. I wasnt talking to someone that could help me and I had been on hold for over 2 hrs. This kind woman walks me through the system keeping me on her phone and connecting me to who I need to be talking to til I get to a guy that once again tells me someone will call me the next day to tell me if they could rush my repair but the best he could do was give me a request for repair on monday. I kindly ask him what happens when no one calls just like no one called the last 2 times that I was told someone will call me. He gave me a new number to call. The next day (now Friday) I do get a call not from a real person but an automated system telling me my request for rush service has been denied. Figures! We go out Fruday night to get away from this and come home to our phone not working. Figures! I call again and get told they will combine the calls and both repairs will be done before noon on Monday. Fine whatever. Obviously they finally followed though. I also have a new number I will be calling today to complain to today.
My fall: Yes you read that right I fell. The story really is stupid and funny and I didnt fall far. I sat on an icechest with wheels on one end and leaned to get something off the floor. As I leaned forward the icechest went back and I ended up on my ass. It frightened me and I was sore so I called the Dr they said everything was fine as long as I wasnt bleeding, leaking or cramping and because I had felt movement after the fall. They said I would be sore for a week or two and to just take it easy.
Erick: The last two weeks have been really hard on him. He tries to keep it in but I can tell. Friday was his last day at the job he really liked and has held for two years. Along with moving where he has to do all the lifting and today he started his new job. He is so worried and frightened. Everything is changing and the man isnt really a fan of change. He knows it is for the best but he doesnt want to stress me out so he keeps it all in.
The car: Yesterday was a fun day. To get ready for Ericks first day of work we wanted the car to look good. We go to the carwash and pay the $9 for the wash. After waiting for the 6 cars in front of us to go it is our turn. We punch in the code as the car in the wash gets to the dryer per the instructions on the key pad. We pull in. The wash starts. Our car gets covered in soap and then the arrow says our wash is up. WTF. The jackass behind us put in his code ending our wash. We pull out all soap covered because the machine isnt doing anything and it is beeping at us. Park and talk to the gas station clirk who gives us a new code. We get back in line, wait 4 more cars, back in the machine and the guy behind us does it to us again. People it says right there DO NOT PUT YOUR CODE IN TIL THE CAR IN THE WASH IS IN THE DRYER. It is really not that hard. This time Erick is mad and I tell him not to go anywhere. I get out of the car go in the station and tell them to fix it. They come out get us going and we actually get washed. All it took was 3 starts and an hour.
After the carwash we head to sears. Our car was making a noise and we wanted it checked out. Because this one is frusterating I will cut it short. This one involves needing new struts, shocks, rear break pads and 4 new tires. The tires were less then 2 years old the struts were so bad they ate the tires. This whole thing left us stuck at the mall for 5 hours with no money and left our CC with $1400 more to pay off.
Now to reward you for reading my long and boring story belly pics from Thursday 24weeks

Check back later today or tomorrow for an update from my Drs appt today at 430.
Oh my what a week you had. No internet is bad but the car thing sucks the most. YUCK. GL at your appt today I can't wait to check back in and see how it went!