How do you respond when someone asks a personal rude question. As a mom of twins in today's society of octo-mom, J&K +8, Twins, Twins, and stipulates we are fascinated by twins. I didn't realize how bad it was til becoming a mom of twins myself (triplet moms I don't know how you do it). First off we call our stroller our circus train or freak show because when we are out in public we attract people as if that is what we are a circus or freak show. Besides all the pointing, staring, and talking as if we cant hear them the general public seems to think it is ok to ask whatever they like. I have been asked...
*are they real?
*are you sure they are twins?
*Really two boys?
*are they natural?
*are they IVF?
*do they run in your family?
*in your husbands family?
*are they identical?
*do they have different personalities?
*how can you tell them apart?
How do you respond to that? On top of all the personal questions that random people in target think they can ask they argue with me when I give them an answer. For instance on more than one occasion I have actually answered the questions with truthful answers like "yes twins run in my husbands family but that has nothing to do with our twins because he has nothing to do with my releasing 2 eggs" "the fact that we have boys is my husbands fault but the fact that there are two of them is mine" and people argue with me that I must be wrong and it must be because of Erick. Or when I say "we had help but we were luckier that some and didn't have to go that far into treatments" That is when I get told that I'm lucky I could have had 6 or 8. um no they are crazy and went through IUI/IVF I took a pill for 5 days that is a big difference. And really what kind of babies aren't natural? Why wouldn't my kids have different personalities? What dictionary are people using that they think my boys are identical? Why sense they aren't identical aren't they twins in the eyes of some? Do people really think I wouldn't notice if one of my sons was really a girl I mean there is a big difference in what a penis looks like compared to a vagina? And lastly when did my sex life become anyone but mine and my husbands business?
Really how do you respond to rude intrusive questions?
Monday, March 30, 2009
3 months
So Im a little late in posting this but we had family here. So my babies are three months old. Where has the time gone? My boys are so big. I dont even know how much they weigh but they sure are good eaters (most the time). They are still sleeping really well. Ethan's head control is awesome. Owen is getting there but not so interested in tummy time. Both the boys have such different personalities already. Owen is just like his daddy quiet and reserved unless he really needs something. Ethan is my emotional soul and will melt down if you look at him wrong but he is also my bucket of smiles.

cool new blog for multiples
So I dont know if you noticed the blue square in my blog now. Its a new blog all about multiples and more. Well right now they are having a fundraiser for a really good cause. Click here to check it out
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Let the crazyness end
So family was here for a few days to meet the boys and have a fake birthday with Chloe. It was so much fun. We went shopping and out to lunch. My mom and sister got to ride in my new mommy mobile. The boys got all kinds of new clothes. Then we went up to my uncles for even more family goodness. This weekend was alumni weekend and we spent most of it hanging out with Erick's frat brothers most of which we havent seen in a long time. Really it has been a week of showing off the boys. Lets hope for a relaxing week this week.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
New found freedom
So I have a new found freedom.... I have a new car. Yesterday Erick, the boys and I went to Pittsburg to look at a used Honda Odyssey. Well when we got there the van we wanted to see had already sold. So in talking with the sales guy we got them to bring a new '09 van to prices we had seen listed for used '08 vans. So after some haggling we left the lot 7 hr later with cranky babies in a bran new 2009 Honda Odyssey in Sterling Gray Metallic. I am very excited for my mommy mobile. Bring on the bumper stickers and the soccer games.
Auntie Amber's photo studio
So when I get bored I set up a mini photo studio in my living room. usually I get a few pic of the boys then they have a meltdown and that is that. On this day I knew my sister was coming with Chloe and left the studio up and had a little fun. Here are a few of the (60 or so) shots I took.
The boys


Erick says he is training the boys to be Giants fans so here are 2 pics of the biggest little Giants fans

As you can tell spring has sprung in our house!
The boys


Erick says he is training the boys to be Giants fans so here are 2 pics of the biggest little Giants fans

As you can tell spring has sprung in our house!
Sunday, March 15, 2009
what I didnt do anything

That is how I found the boys this morning after they woke up at 7:45. The funny thing is they slept good last night 6:30pm - 2am 2:30-7:45am I think its time for two beds and that makes me sad.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Odds and ends
I have a few pics I wanted to share and tell about my shopping trip so what better title than odds and ends?
Today my sister and I got up at an ungodly hour and drove to the biggest craziest sale I have ever been to. We got there an hour and a half before it opened and we were easily 150th in line. They opened the door and I booked it to the strollers. I got one for my sister and one for me. Then we found a baby gate and a front carrier. Everything was in used but good condition and we got the lot for under $120. I cant wait for the next sale I think then I will hit the clothes then we didnt even look today.
Did you know its almost baseball season? My boys know it because their daddy is training them. You see Im not much of a fan. In my opinion the only way to watch a baseball game is in the stands and even then Im not really watching the game but the stupid drunk people. I cant help it they are funny. Ok ok back on track. Erick says that the boys will be fans and he has them in training as the biggest little Giants fans.

In nesty news...
Peakay (a women I adore that I only know via the computer) traded me something I had and didnt want for baby stuff that her identical triplet boys had outgrown. Yes you heard that right identical triplet boys. For family or others that dont know this woman reading this that dont know how I do it this is the woman I aspire to. Not only does she have more than one baby at the same time but all hers look the same. Anyways I regress.... look how cute the boys look in the outfit she sent.

On Tuesday I get to do something I have been looking forward to for a long time. I get to meed a woman that helped me through one of the toughest times of my life even though she didnt know me at all. We both had issues getting our beautiful children and then our boys were born within weeks of each other. So the boys and I are going west to meet kittylove and Roo for the boys first play date. Im so excited (and yes I do know their real names but kittylove and roo are just to cute not to use).
My final bit of news is also all so exciting to me in that by this time next weekend I will have my mommy mobile. heheh cant wait.
Today my sister and I got up at an ungodly hour and drove to the biggest craziest sale I have ever been to. We got there an hour and a half before it opened and we were easily 150th in line. They opened the door and I booked it to the strollers. I got one for my sister and one for me. Then we found a baby gate and a front carrier. Everything was in used but good condition and we got the lot for under $120. I cant wait for the next sale I think then I will hit the clothes then we didnt even look today.
Did you know its almost baseball season? My boys know it because their daddy is training them. You see Im not much of a fan. In my opinion the only way to watch a baseball game is in the stands and even then Im not really watching the game but the stupid drunk people. I cant help it they are funny. Ok ok back on track. Erick says that the boys will be fans and he has them in training as the biggest little Giants fans.

In nesty news...
Peakay (a women I adore that I only know via the computer) traded me something I had and didnt want for baby stuff that her identical triplet boys had outgrown. Yes you heard that right identical triplet boys. For family or others that dont know this woman reading this that dont know how I do it this is the woman I aspire to. Not only does she have more than one baby at the same time but all hers look the same. Anyways I regress.... look how cute the boys look in the outfit she sent.

On Tuesday I get to do something I have been looking forward to for a long time. I get to meed a woman that helped me through one of the toughest times of my life even though she didnt know me at all. We both had issues getting our beautiful children and then our boys were born within weeks of each other. So the boys and I are going west to meet kittylove and Roo for the boys first play date. Im so excited (and yes I do know their real names but kittylove and roo are just to cute not to use).
My final bit of news is also all so exciting to me in that by this time next weekend I will have my mommy mobile. heheh cant wait.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Ok Ok I know much of my blog has been about sleep lately. I cant help it. Sleep is a large part of my world right now. If they don't sleep I don't sleep. If I don't sleep I'm not happy. If mommy isn't happy NO ONE is happy.
Well I am happy...VERY happy. Ethan slept 7 hrs or more for the last 3 nights. That's right my good eater is now also my good sleeper. Its kinda funny because he used to be the one to keep us up at night because we were afraid not to watch him. Now all we need is for Ethan to teach Owen his trick because we are still only getting 4 hrs a night out of him. Owen has been sleeping more as well but it more like between 5-7 hrs.
And you cant talk about sleep without seeing how cute they are sleeping. And yes I know Ethan drooled yucky stuff but I was not about to wake him to clean it.

Well I am happy...VERY happy. Ethan slept 7 hrs or more for the last 3 nights. That's right my good eater is now also my good sleeper. Its kinda funny because he used to be the one to keep us up at night because we were afraid not to watch him. Now all we need is for Ethan to teach Owen his trick because we are still only getting 4 hrs a night out of him. Owen has been sleeping more as well but it more like between 5-7 hrs.
And you cant talk about sleep without seeing how cute they are sleeping. And yes I know Ethan drooled yucky stuff but I was not about to wake him to clean it.

Thursday, March 5, 2009
Look what I learned
So as you can see my blog got a little face lift. What do you think of the new look? In addition to the new look I learned how to do a few other new video. Wooo hooo so for no real reason I think I will show you some home movies.
The first two videos are ones that Erick took in the NICU. They were the first time I really got to see my boys. I asked Erick to go in there and get some pictures for me and this is what he brought back to me.
This next video is the boys doing a little tummy time today.
Next thing on my list to learn ... slideshows
The first two videos are ones that Erick took in the NICU. They were the first time I really got to see my boys. I asked Erick to go in there and get some pictures for me and this is what he brought back to me.
This next video is the boys doing a little tummy time today.
Next thing on my list to learn ... slideshows
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
So last night started like any other night. Bath, lotion, book, bottle then bed.

well I guess the story really worked because...
730-955 2.5 hrs
1030-124 3 hrs
205-630 4.5 hrs
730-124 6 hrs
205-350 2 hrs
440-620 1.6 hrs
see that 6 hours from Ethan.

well I guess the story really worked because...
730-955 2.5 hrs
1030-124 3 hrs
205-630 4.5 hrs
730-124 6 hrs
205-350 2 hrs
440-620 1.6 hrs
see that 6 hours from Ethan.
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