Monday, March 30, 2009

How do you respond

How do you respond when someone asks a personal rude question. As a mom of twins in today's society of octo-mom, J&K +8, Twins, Twins, and stipulates we are fascinated by twins. I didn't realize how bad it was til becoming a mom of twins myself (triplet moms I don't know how you do it). First off we call our stroller our circus train or freak show because when we are out in public we attract people as if that is what we are a circus or freak show. Besides all the pointing, staring, and talking as if we cant hear them the general public seems to think it is ok to ask whatever they like. I have been asked...

*are they real?
*are you sure they are twins?
*Really two boys?
*are they natural?
*are they IVF?
*do they run in your family?
*in your husbands family?
*are they identical?
*do they have different personalities?
*how can you tell them apart?

How do you respond to that? On top of all the personal questions that random people in target think they can ask they argue with me when I give them an answer. For instance on more than one occasion I have actually answered the questions with truthful answers like "yes twins run in my husbands family but that has nothing to do with our twins because he has nothing to do with my releasing 2 eggs" "the fact that we have boys is my husbands fault but the fact that there are two of them is mine" and people argue with me that I must be wrong and it must be because of Erick. Or when I say "we had help but we were luckier that some and didn't have to go that far into treatments" That is when I get told that I'm lucky I could have had 6 or 8. um no they are crazy and went through IUI/IVF I took a pill for 5 days that is a big difference. And really what kind of babies aren't natural? Why wouldn't my kids have different personalities? What dictionary are people using that they think my boys are identical? Why sense they aren't identical aren't they twins in the eyes of some? Do people really think I wouldn't notice if one of my sons was really a girl I mean there is a big difference in what a penis looks like compared to a vagina? And lastly when did my sex life become anyone but mine and my husbands business?

Really how do you respond to rude intrusive questions?


  1. Unfortunately this rudeness does not twins are almost 8, boys and fraternal. People still say the stupidest things. My boys are adopted and so when all the pregnancy questions start..which get too deep to lie about...I have to tell and then I just say "It's a long story" which is the truth! But the real annoyance is when people try to force you into labeling them...oh he's the smart one..or oh he must be your funny one and so on. Good luck!

  2. As someone who has been the rude person asking all the questions I am so sorry. I may have not been the one asking YOU but I have defiantly asked some of those questions to others. (((hanging head in shame))

    But your right it isn't anyone's business!
