This is the boys trying watermelon for the first time

I am having to let go of some of my control and give it to the boys. They have their own minds and desires.
Owen has a tooth coming in

You can see it just to the right of center. It looks like light but its a tooth.
Ethan is super baby so while at a friend's house we had fun dressing him as superman.

While at another friend's house the boys got to try cake for the first time. I have let them have bites of just the cake before but this had frosting too. They were more interested in playing with it than eating it lol (*** I did not let them make this mess the friend gave them it and let them go at it.)

Monthly pictures are getting harder to take but the candid shots are getting more fun!

i cant believe your 8month old chunkmeisters are in the same size diaper as my 16month old. i cant believe how big there are getting. give them kisses from auntie!