Today my babies are 9 months old. I dont know where the time went. They are getting so big and going new things all the time.
Today we went to the Giants game in SF. The weather was warm...80*. It made for a crazy morning and a log day but it was fun. It was especially nice to see Craig and Marylou (thanks for the tix guys). The giants won... woo hoo. Ok but really you dont want to hear about that you want to hear about the boys.
Ethan is now pulling up to a full stand. Owen is getting brave and letting go. We have been on tooth watch for awhile now. Every morning I check the boys mouth. I knew they were coming. This morning was no different and still no teeth. While at the game I guess I made a good chew toy because I was being gnawed on. I had to check his mouth because there was something in there. Guess what at exactly 9 months old, at the game the first tooth came through. And who did that tooth belong to you ask.....ETHAN. He finally beat Owen at something. Oh and he has another one that will be in any min. Owen is working on it but not even as close as Ethans second tooth.
This week is a busy one we get the keys to our new place and we move. The boys have their 9 month appointment. Ethan has PT And OT. We are still waiting on insurance to say they will pay for Owen's helmet so we are also waiting for that call. It has been 4 weeks sense he was measured. Oh and we have officially started planing for the boys 1st birthday.
Whew that is a lot. OK I will post new pics after the boys appointment this week.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Friday, September 25, 2009
Erick and I did some shopping for the boys for their birthday and Christmas. With the sale that Toys R Us had we got the boys the following....
Mega bloks farm

Mega bloks rescue truck

Mega bloks fill and dump wagon

Walk n ride (one green and one blue)

busy ball popper

Now I just have to be strong and not give the boys the toys before Christmas and their birthday.
Mega bloks farm

Mega bloks rescue truck

Mega bloks fill and dump wagon

Walk n ride (one green and one blue)

busy ball popper

Now I just have to be strong and not give the boys the toys before Christmas and their birthday.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Baby love and tag team
The boys have a few new tricks. They now baby love. What is baby love you ask? Well it is "kisses". It is more like trying to lick the other ones whole face before your whole face gets licked. They think this is the funniest thing in the world and laugh the whole time. I have to admit it is just about the cutest thing in the whole world. Ethan will give Erick and me kisses as well (when he wants to). If he doesnt want to he leans in so you kiss his head.
The boys really are growing up and developing their own personalities. Owen wants what he wants when he wants it. He will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. One example of this was the cheez-it box. I had them on the couch. Owen wanted it. So when Ethan got too close to Owen and the couch Owen decided that Ethan made a good step stool. Ethan had no problem with this and allowed Owen to use him to get on the couch. I can see I will be in real trouble soon with them working together to get what they want even if they dont need it/shouldnt have it.
The boys really are growing up and developing their own personalities. Owen wants what he wants when he wants it. He will do whatever it takes to get what he wants. One example of this was the cheez-it box. I had them on the couch. Owen wanted it. So when Ethan got too close to Owen and the couch Owen decided that Ethan made a good step stool. Ethan had no problem with this and allowed Owen to use him to get on the couch. I can see I will be in real trouble soon with them working together to get what they want even if they dont need it/shouldnt have it.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Who is who?

Can't figure it out?
scroll down
Does this help?

Be sure to leave a comment with your guess!
The same kid is on the same side in both pics.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Funny old ladies
Today I took my mom to the hospital for a check with her Dr and to get her flu shot. Her Dr wants her to get a chest X-ray to check the wiring and scar tissue from her heart surgery 5 years ago. So we go off to radiology. While we are in radiology these 2 little old ladies come in. I am there by myself with the boys because my mom had been called back. This is how things went...
OL1: ooooOOOoo twins can I see? I just love twins and yours are so cute. I wont touch (clasps hands at chest). ooooOOOoooo twins are so special. Look OL2 twins. (ol2 comes over)
OL1 to OL2:arnt they cute?
OL1: Are they identical? No they arnt I can tell them apart.
Me: Thank you. They are fraternal not identical.
OL1: What does identical mean?
Blank stare
OL2: Which one is an egg splitting?
Me: OOOooo identical is 1 egg that splits fraternal is 2 different eggs.
OL1: (various other common questions)
(OL2 starts touching the boys feet and legs talking to them)
Me: I dont mean to be rude but it is flu season. (OL2 walks off grumbling)
OL1 to OL2: I told you not to touch. (walks off after OL2)
So they sit in the corner of the room maybe 10 feet away from me and I can hear they are still talking about me and the boys.
This is what I hear:
OL1 to OL2:My she is young ( I am 25) but she sure is handling it well.
grumble grumble
OL1 to OL2:Those are some very cute well behaved boys
grumble grumble
OL1 to OL2:I told you before you dont touch other peoples babies without asking. It is rude. She is a good mommy leave her alone.
grumble grumble
OL1: ooooOOOoo twins can I see? I just love twins and yours are so cute. I wont touch (clasps hands at chest). ooooOOOoooo twins are so special. Look OL2 twins. (ol2 comes over)
OL1 to OL2:arnt they cute?
OL1: Are they identical? No they arnt I can tell them apart.
Me: Thank you. They are fraternal not identical.
OL1: What does identical mean?
Blank stare
OL2: Which one is an egg splitting?
Me: OOOooo identical is 1 egg that splits fraternal is 2 different eggs.
OL1: (various other common questions)
(OL2 starts touching the boys feet and legs talking to them)
Me: I dont mean to be rude but it is flu season. (OL2 walks off grumbling)
OL1 to OL2: I told you not to touch. (walks off after OL2)
So they sit in the corner of the room maybe 10 feet away from me and I can hear they are still talking about me and the boys.
This is what I hear:
OL1 to OL2:My she is young ( I am 25) but she sure is handling it well.
grumble grumble
OL1 to OL2:Those are some very cute well behaved boys
grumble grumble
OL1 to OL2:I told you before you dont touch other peoples babies without asking. It is rude. She is a good mommy leave her alone.
grumble grumble
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
f/u to yesterday
So yesterday sucked. Today not so much. I found out that our insurance will cover 12 cans of Ethan's new formula a month. This has taken such a weight off our shoulders. I hope he outgrows the no dairy no soy.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Long day
Erick and I had to get up at 5 am today. We were out the door by 6. The boys had an appointment with a pedi GI in SF at UCSF. The appointments were at 9 and 10. We thought by leaving that early we could sit in the cafe and eat before the appointment. Things didn't go that way. It took us an hour to go 35 miles on the freeway. When traffic came to a dead halt I did something very dangerous and while on the freeway I climbed through the van to the 3rd row to make bottles for 2 babies that wernt going to get any quieter. We FINALLY made it to UCSF and find parking it is now 8:45. WE rush up and they call our names as we are signing in.
The boys for weighed and measured Owen is 18.3 lb 27.2 in and Ethan is 19.6lb 27.5 in (butt naked). The appointment was a LOT of questions and history. She wrote out a script for Zantax for both boys telling us it wont stop the reflux but it will make for happier babies. She decides to do a stool test to check for blood (a sign of allergies). Can I just tell you how fun it is to hold a baby that just wants to crawl off on his side so a finger can be put up his butt to get poop for a test? Let me assure you it is not fun at all. They didn't scream but it was a fight. Then I had to hold them down to get gagged so she could see their throats. The poop tests came back and Owen is fine. Ethan is showing moderate traces of allergies. So she decides that Ethan needs a new diet. She changes his formula, this makes the 6th formula we have tried with him. He will be on Nutramigen for the next 4 months. We also have to cut out all dairy and soy from his diet. We go back to SF in 2 months to check progress/ tolerance.
When we get back to the car their is something on our windshield. Erick grabs it. It is a parking ticket. We had parallel parked in an space. They say we took two spaces. What do you think?

We are going to try to fight it because the lines are repainted and what they are saying is that the back of our car was over that line but all the tires were in the space. We thought we were up enough.
As we were leaving I had a thought. I need to change his WIC. WIC gives us 9 cans of formula/boy/mo. I call WIC and make an appointment for tomorrow to change it. I cant do it over the phone because to be on Nutramigen with WIC you need a script (which I have) because you have to see a nutritionist. So while on the phone with her I ask what to do. I already cashed my formula check for this month last week but I have the formula unopened, still sealed in plastic as well and need the new formula. I get told to call the store and ask if they will trade it. I tell her I got it from the WIC store. I get given that number and call. The store says WIC wont let anyone trade...sorry...hangs up. So now I have whole lot of the formula for Owen and no formula for Ethan.
While I am on the phone Erick is driving. We were going to have lunch at Ike's Place. It is a sandwich shop we had seen on man v food on the travel channel. By the time he gets there I am so up set I am crying. There is no parking and there is a line out the door. We decide to head home hungry.
When we get about 30 min from home it is clear the boys wont make it and we are hungry too. We still dont have any formula for Ethan so we find a Wal-Mart. Wouldn't you know it Ethan's new formula is $21/12oz can. We look and each can makes 87 oz of formula at that rate we need 8 cans just to make it to the end of the month. To compare Owen's formula makes 93 oz/12oz can and only costs $13/can. We always need to buy formula on top of what WIC gives so this isn't going to be good. Because on top of already needing extra WIC is cutting the amount we get by 2 cans/baby next month.
This couldn't have come at a worse time. We are moving on the first and our new rent is already and additional $100 in the budget. The parking ticket is another $70 (if we lose) and the formula but to make it til I can get it with WIC is going to cost us $170. I know... I know... We chose to have to boys and really I wouldn't give them up for anything in the world. BUT I also thought I would have a job (Thank you state of CA for that). We wernt expecting to move but I refuse to live with mice, mold and roaches (in our building but haven't seen any in our unit but if they are int he building they are in our place).
It was a long day and I am glad to be home and packing. Tonight we will make a new budget.
PS: I have started adding to/changing the wish list because of growing boys and upcoming birthdays and Christmas. In case you want to look.
The boys for weighed and measured Owen is 18.3 lb 27.2 in and Ethan is 19.6lb 27.5 in (butt naked). The appointment was a LOT of questions and history. She wrote out a script for Zantax for both boys telling us it wont stop the reflux but it will make for happier babies. She decides to do a stool test to check for blood (a sign of allergies). Can I just tell you how fun it is to hold a baby that just wants to crawl off on his side so a finger can be put up his butt to get poop for a test? Let me assure you it is not fun at all. They didn't scream but it was a fight. Then I had to hold them down to get gagged so she could see their throats. The poop tests came back and Owen is fine. Ethan is showing moderate traces of allergies. So she decides that Ethan needs a new diet. She changes his formula, this makes the 6th formula we have tried with him. He will be on Nutramigen for the next 4 months. We also have to cut out all dairy and soy from his diet. We go back to SF in 2 months to check progress/ tolerance.
When we get back to the car their is something on our windshield. Erick grabs it. It is a parking ticket. We had parallel parked in an space. They say we took two spaces. What do you think?

We are going to try to fight it because the lines are repainted and what they are saying is that the back of our car was over that line but all the tires were in the space. We thought we were up enough.
As we were leaving I had a thought. I need to change his WIC. WIC gives us 9 cans of formula/boy/mo. I call WIC and make an appointment for tomorrow to change it. I cant do it over the phone because to be on Nutramigen with WIC you need a script (which I have) because you have to see a nutritionist. So while on the phone with her I ask what to do. I already cashed my formula check for this month last week but I have the formula unopened, still sealed in plastic as well and need the new formula. I get told to call the store and ask if they will trade it. I tell her I got it from the WIC store. I get given that number and call. The store says WIC wont let anyone trade...sorry...hangs up. So now I have whole lot of the formula for Owen and no formula for Ethan.
While I am on the phone Erick is driving. We were going to have lunch at Ike's Place. It is a sandwich shop we had seen on man v food on the travel channel. By the time he gets there I am so up set I am crying. There is no parking and there is a line out the door. We decide to head home hungry.
When we get about 30 min from home it is clear the boys wont make it and we are hungry too. We still dont have any formula for Ethan so we find a Wal-Mart. Wouldn't you know it Ethan's new formula is $21/12oz can. We look and each can makes 87 oz of formula at that rate we need 8 cans just to make it to the end of the month. To compare Owen's formula makes 93 oz/12oz can and only costs $13/can. We always need to buy formula on top of what WIC gives so this isn't going to be good. Because on top of already needing extra WIC is cutting the amount we get by 2 cans/baby next month.
This couldn't have come at a worse time. We are moving on the first and our new rent is already and additional $100 in the budget. The parking ticket is another $70 (if we lose) and the formula but to make it til I can get it with WIC is going to cost us $170. I know... I know... We chose to have to boys and really I wouldn't give them up for anything in the world. BUT I also thought I would have a job (Thank you state of CA for that). We wernt expecting to move but I refuse to live with mice, mold and roaches (in our building but haven't seen any in our unit but if they are int he building they are in our place).
It was a long day and I am glad to be home and packing. Tonight we will make a new budget.
PS: I have started adding to/changing the wish list because of growing boys and upcoming birthdays and Christmas. In case you want to look.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Sunday lunch
Erick is watching football and nebulizing the boys so I thought I would take this time to show you a few pics I have been waiting to find the time to post and tell you a funny story. I think I will post the pics first and hope you hang around to read the story at the end because it will give you a little look into what we deal with as well as a good laugh.
Sweet potatoes w/ cinnamon

pool time

I saved this pic for last for a reason lol

Today at lunch we had an interesting experience. It was barely noon and we were sitting in the Olive garden. The place wasn't super busy but it was starting to fill. We sat in the back near the bathroom and kitchen. The boys were enjoying a bread stick. About that time two tables over from us a group of old women were seated. I start making the bottles. Owen sees the bottles (he is sitting right next to me) and starts making it known that he wants that. I can hear the old women talking. The waitress is standing with them and she gathers their glasses. They had requested to be moved and were pointing at the boys. The waitress tells them that they can have this other table but there is a kid over there too. The women decide to stay. One of them then proceeds to loudly tell me that they are hungry give them a bread stick. It took a lot of self control not to say something to these women. Those that know me in real life know that Im not lying when I say that.
Lunch continued... The women continued to talk about us but the boys were being good and eating. They never were really that loud. People get seated at the table between us and the old ladies. These people were nice and talking to the boys. We are finishing up as they are getting their food. The waitress walks between the tables to pass out their meals. To do so she has her back to us and is on Owen's left. Well I guess she got to close because Owen reached out and goosed her. She screeched and jumped. When she turned around she laughed. We laughed with her when I told her on the bright side it wasnt some creepy man. LOL
Sweet potatoes w/ cinnamon

pool time

I saved this pic for last for a reason lol

Today at lunch we had an interesting experience. It was barely noon and we were sitting in the Olive garden. The place wasn't super busy but it was starting to fill. We sat in the back near the bathroom and kitchen. The boys were enjoying a bread stick. About that time two tables over from us a group of old women were seated. I start making the bottles. Owen sees the bottles (he is sitting right next to me) and starts making it known that he wants that. I can hear the old women talking. The waitress is standing with them and she gathers their glasses. They had requested to be moved and were pointing at the boys. The waitress tells them that they can have this other table but there is a kid over there too. The women decide to stay. One of them then proceeds to loudly tell me that they are hungry give them a bread stick. It took a lot of self control not to say something to these women. Those that know me in real life know that Im not lying when I say that.
Lunch continued... The women continued to talk about us but the boys were being good and eating. They never were really that loud. People get seated at the table between us and the old ladies. These people were nice and talking to the boys. We are finishing up as they are getting their food. The waitress walks between the tables to pass out their meals. To do so she has her back to us and is on Owen's left. Well I guess she got to close because Owen reached out and goosed her. She screeched and jumped. When she turned around she laughed. We laughed with her when I told her on the bright side it wasnt some creepy man. LOL
Thursday, September 10, 2009
We Are Moving!!!!
So we (read me) decided we can no longer stand the place we are in with the neighbors we have. Im sure they like me as much as I like them seeing as I am always yelling at their kids for being rude and breaking rules. So We found a new place and are moving. The problem with this is we only have 20 days to move. so I am sorry if I am MIA but please stick with me. I will post when I can between packing and caring for the boys.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
videos from tonight
This first one is Owen's new trick
This is what happens when the boys hear the bath water and see one of us head to the bathroom. You can see how good they are at crawling now.
This is what happens when the boys hear the bath water and see one of us head to the bathroom. You can see how good they are at crawling now.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Mastering sippies was like pulling teeth in this house. The boys didn't want help tipping back but were getting mad because they we not getting anything.
We were attempting to use these
because we were told they were the easiest to use from many many parents and the boys took to them.
We had originally purchased these
because I thought they were neat and thought that they would work. When the first soft spout ones wernt working I thought why not try what we already have before trying something else. They work and the boys need no help. They really like them and they had no trouble figuring out that they needed to bite and suck at the same time.

We were attempting to use these

We had originally purchased these

The bathroom
My boys LOVE the bath. You know LOVE is not even a big enough word for how they feel about the bath. As soon as you walk in the bathroom to turn on the water they are at the gate yelling at you to hurry because they want in. It really is cute. The only problem with this is when I am home alone I leave the bathroom door open so I can watch them play. Now I have an audience when I am in the bathroom.
The view while I was in the bathroom:
The view while I was in the bathroom:

Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Today Owen had the scan to make his helmet. It will take 2 weeks to make the helmet and it is up to me how long he wears it. He said Owen can stop wearing the helmet when I am happy with his head or 18 months old whatever comes first. Now we have 2 short days to decide what we want his helmet to look like. I was given the site,4.html and told to call in the design by Thursday. So what design do you all think? We have a few we like but haven't picked one yet.
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