The boys for weighed and measured Owen is 18.3 lb 27.2 in and Ethan is 19.6lb 27.5 in (butt naked). The appointment was a LOT of questions and history. She wrote out a script for Zantax for both boys telling us it wont stop the reflux but it will make for happier babies. She decides to do a stool test to check for blood (a sign of allergies). Can I just tell you how fun it is to hold a baby that just wants to crawl off on his side so a finger can be put up his butt to get poop for a test? Let me assure you it is not fun at all. They didn't scream but it was a fight. Then I had to hold them down to get gagged so she could see their throats. The poop tests came back and Owen is fine. Ethan is showing moderate traces of allergies. So she decides that Ethan needs a new diet. She changes his formula, this makes the 6th formula we have tried with him. He will be on Nutramigen for the next 4 months. We also have to cut out all dairy and soy from his diet. We go back to SF in 2 months to check progress/ tolerance.
When we get back to the car their is something on our windshield. Erick grabs it. It is a parking ticket. We had parallel parked in an space. They say we took two spaces. What do you think?

We are going to try to fight it because the lines are repainted and what they are saying is that the back of our car was over that line but all the tires were in the space. We thought we were up enough.
As we were leaving I had a thought. I need to change his WIC. WIC gives us 9 cans of formula/boy/mo. I call WIC and make an appointment for tomorrow to change it. I cant do it over the phone because to be on Nutramigen with WIC you need a script (which I have) because you have to see a nutritionist. So while on the phone with her I ask what to do. I already cashed my formula check for this month last week but I have the formula unopened, still sealed in plastic as well and need the new formula. I get told to call the store and ask if they will trade it. I tell her I got it from the WIC store. I get given that number and call. The store says WIC wont let anyone trade...sorry...hangs up. So now I have whole lot of the formula for Owen and no formula for Ethan.
While I am on the phone Erick is driving. We were going to have lunch at Ike's Place. It is a sandwich shop we had seen on man v food on the travel channel. By the time he gets there I am so up set I am crying. There is no parking and there is a line out the door. We decide to head home hungry.
When we get about 30 min from home it is clear the boys wont make it and we are hungry too. We still dont have any formula for Ethan so we find a Wal-Mart. Wouldn't you know it Ethan's new formula is $21/12oz can. We look and each can makes 87 oz of formula at that rate we need 8 cans just to make it to the end of the month. To compare Owen's formula makes 93 oz/12oz can and only costs $13/can. We always need to buy formula on top of what WIC gives so this isn't going to be good. Because on top of already needing extra WIC is cutting the amount we get by 2 cans/baby next month.
This couldn't have come at a worse time. We are moving on the first and our new rent is already and additional $100 in the budget. The parking ticket is another $70 (if we lose) and the formula but to make it til I can get it with WIC is going to cost us $170. I know... I know... We chose to have to boys and really I wouldn't give them up for anything in the world. BUT I also thought I would have a job (Thank you state of CA for that). We wernt expecting to move but I refuse to live with mice, mold and roaches (in our building but haven't seen any in our unit but if they are int he building they are in our place).
It was a long day and I am glad to be home and packing. Tonight we will make a new budget.
PS: I have started adding to/changing the wish list because of growing boys and upcoming birthdays and Christmas. In case you want to look.
I do know someone who gets 10% off at wal-mart...I wonder if that applies to baby formula?
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry you had an awful day. I can't believe they gave you a parking ticket on top of everything else. Especially since you pay and arm and a leg at UCSF just to park there in the first place. If I get any enfamil checks they are all yours.
ReplyDeleteI would fight it if it doesn't take too much time/effort! That is crazy! Good thing you took might help you!