We were given a choice today. I knew all alone this choice was ours to make but I thought that we wouldn’t have to make it. I thought that the choice would be made for us.
Owen had another head check today. When all the measurements were taken I was told that though Owen did have a growth spurt (his head circumference grew a whole cm) his cross measurements maintained the same difference as our last check. This tells us that we may have seen all the change in his head that we are going to see. He isn’t completely symmetrical and his soft spot not yet closed completely yet. BUT with no change in the difference in 3 weeks with a growth spurt is it worth it to keep the helmet on?
So that is the choice we have to make. Keep the helmet on and hope we get a little more change OR be happy with the results we did get and ditch the helmet.
What do you think?
If we decide we are done I have to decide soon or go in for additional measurements for the government because they regulate the helmets. If we decide to continue with the helmet I need to call to make another appointment for in 3 weeks.
Owen's head just before getting the helmet on for the first time

Owen's head today

What are the disadvantages for keeping it on another 3 weeks?
ReplyDeleteIt looks like it made a big differnece in the photos.
If we do leave it on we MAY get a little more change. There is no promise of more change though.
ReplyDeleteLeave it.It really sucks that he does not get to have it off like you thought. But it is only three weeks and you know that you are not willing to give up on what might be best for him if there is a chance of getting any more change. Look at how much it has changed already! It is only three weeks- he wont remember. Maybe you could could just take it off for the party so you get pictures without it?
ReplyDeleteThe changes are obvious and in the right path. The roundness is noticeable.His head looks a normal shape. I think mother nature will take over now without the helmet .
ReplyDeleteHey Amber it's Jen. WOW, what a difference in his head! Looks great. I say keep it on for three more weeks, what the hell!
ReplyDeleteI would leave it on for the additional 3 weeks. :)
ReplyDeletei personally think that if he had that big of a growth spurt and no change in the last 3 weeks, then why leave it on. I think his head looks great already!
ReplyDeleteWow, his head looks great! I think it actually looks better than Will's, and his pedi said he didn't need a helmet.