Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New year new goals

Just before the end of the year I had a check with my ob/gyn for the cyst I had. Well the good news is it is gone. The Ob brought up a good question... When do you want #3? Woah I was not expecting that. This time last year I was having my 5 year IUD put in. So I asked a few question in response to his question. I asked him a bunch of what ifs. Like "What if I did get the IUD out when would "normal" fertility return?" "Seeing as I didnt have normal fertility how does that effect me?" "Once we do get the IUD out how long would we have to try on our own before he would step in and help again?" So after those and about 6 more questions I left (IUD still firmly in place).

After that appointment I came home and talked to Erick. It was a long SERIOUS talk. I told him everything the Ob said about how he thinks we will need clomid again, we can have it whenever we want once the IUD is out, he does not have the ability to monitor me on clomid so we would be on our own again, normal fertility returns in the first 3 months of removing the IUD. I gave Erick all the facts. We talked for a long time and together we decided that now is not the time. A LOT of what went into the decision was me.

I am not happy with me right now. Before the boys I dropped 40 lbs. I felt good. I felt I looked good. I had energy. I want that back before we add to our family. I want to feel good about the way I look and feel. Dont get me wrong I am still down some of what I lost before the boy so I am still not as heavy as I have been in the last 5 years or even in the last 2 years. But I have this yucky "twin skin" so I look heavier then I am. So what Erick and I decided is that in 40-50 lbs or 4 years (when my IUD would need changed) we will reevaluate and discuss adding to our family again.

The new goal
I want to get back on the eliptical. We have one in our garage. I havent been on it sense I found out I was pregnant. I also want to get back to drinking my water. I was drinking 2 ltrs a day. Now I am lucky if I drink anything at all all day til dinner. I am also going back to some of the foods I ate before pregnancy. I hope to be a healthier and happier me.

First workout
Just did my first new years work out. 20 min on the eliptical. 850 steps. That is an avg of 42.5 rpm. Not bad for my first workout in 2 years.

1 comment:

  1. I totally feel you honey. SHould I pass my old jeans onto you as I move out of them?
