Your fetus is forming teeth and vocal cords... savor this, their non-functional phase. Baby is approaching normal proportions, with a head now only one third the size of the body. Intestines are in the process of moving from the umbilical cord to baby's tummy. (Much more convenient.)
I knew it would eventually hit me and now it has. I am crying at anything and everything. The wind blows and i cry. There is a comercial on and I cry. Today I cried because Erick went to an after work thing at one of my favorite restraunts and he didnt bring me anything. Not only did he not bring me anything but he didnt even ask me if I wanted anything. This should have been a little thing and it wasnt. I cried and whined for almost an hour and a half. I am talking real tears coming down my face. Got to love hormones.
I am startig to get a little bored at home and worried about things. Where we are going to live next? We are not allowed to stay in our apartment after the babies are 3 months old because of the way our lease is set up. I really think it is going to be hard moving with 2 very little ones. So which way do we choose: spend the extra $ now to move before they get here paying more in rent OR saving now moving after and trying to move with two little babies? My other concern involves the offers for help. So many people have come forward offering help. Do I take them up on it? This is a harder question than it needs to be. I know you are all thinking if you need the help then take it but some of these people i havent talked to in months or even years. How do you balance the offer with looking like a gift grubber? I do get that its not actually grubbing because they are offering but still it seems odd.