Well this week has been fun. You all know about the hospital trip but I have yet to update you on the follow-up visit. Well to start it off I lost more weight. I am now only up 16 lbs. So in 2 days I lost 5 lbs. The Dr said no lifting more then 10 lbs, yes I am still on bed rest, any leaking or cramps to go in and if I think I need to be checked he thinks I need to be checked. On bed rest I am allowed to go to the bathroom, shower and eat. I need to be sitting, laying down or reclining as much as I can. I did get permission to go to my baby shower tomorrow and the baby classes at the hospital. I am still on Terbutaline every 4 hrs and will continue that for another 5 weeks. The hope is that this 5 weeks will allow my uterus to calm down and contractions will stop and I will be able to continue being pregnant. As of right now I am not getting steroids and I do not need mag. sulfate. I am now on weekly appointments. While at my appointment I got my first "Wow your about to pop arnt you?" comment. To which I replied "no actually I should have 11 weeks left but it is twins" lol the lady looked shocked. What do you think?

I have come to the conclusion that I do not like my belly rubbed but I do not mind if they feel. To me there is a difference. The other thing I have realized is that phone calls are annoying. If you are not going to come visit me I dont want to be on the phone with you because I would rather be napping and chances are you are calling in the middle of my nap. So for those that really know me my phone is on vibrate and most likely in the other room. Trust me no news is good news. And if I dont answer AIM it does not mean I am avoiding you but rather I fell asleep with the computer open or went to the bathroom or am in the shower. If I am on the computer I will answer.
I think you have a fabulous belly. :) I get total mixed responses to mine, everything from "Yowza!" (my sister's response to the latest belly pic I emailed her) to a lot of, "You don't seem very big for twins" (and how familiar are you with the average size of a woman at ___ weeks with twins, anyway?). I look amazingly like the "fraternal twins" in utero pics on www.babycenter.com TYVM.