Monday, November 3, 2008

Interesting day (some yucky info)

So today started strange and just got better lol. Today Erick took his first sick day in 3 years. Why you ask....Tummy trouble. So I got the car and went to work. I was subbing 1st grade. I woke up feeling off but not bad just off. I go about my day and a little before 10 I start to feel contractions. I time them and they are 7 min apart. I get 6 and it is lunch time. I went and told the office they attempted to send me home and I didnt go. Maybe it was silly but I wanted to eat and the rest of the day was easy (movie, music, math then home). I Eat lunch and drink and the contractions slow down to 20 min apart. At this point the principal is following me and the teachers are hovering. If I burped I was asked how I was. I put a call into the Dr. (Really it is great to be loved by a school that much). Back to class and the contractions are slowing down but are feeling stronger. The office attempts to call me twice, I attempt to call back (cell was being picky). Finally I get a hold of someone that says take it easy and come in for an appointment. I finish the day and leave school as soon as all my class has left. I pick Erick up and head to my appointment. Get there contractions are back to 15 min apart and I would say about a 3.5 out of 5. Called back, weigh in (down 1 lb) and pee in a cup. I am told they will check me only if I want. I say I want done what needs to get done and am told to undress. Quick u/s both babies moving all over the place. They do a swab to see in labor is going to be soon and check my cervix 1 cm dilated. I am told I need to go in for monitoring. So off to the hospital. Get there (430) they send Erick to admitting to check me in so I cant be hooked up right away. I am no sooner in the door then they tell me I am the third set of twins to come in tonight. I am hooked up an they try to get the babies on the monitor. The twins were having nothing of it. They would only stay still if the nurse stood there and held the monitor. They give up for a little bit after she stood there for 10 min recording the HB. This is when I am told that my contractions are about 5 min apart and I am only feeling every 3rd-4th one. So I get Turbeline (sp?) This brings down the intensity and slows them bout doesnt stop them. They come back and give me another shot and a pill. This makes them almost completely stop. I am getting hungry. They bring me a tray. I got the the bathroom before eating. After taking about 5 bites I feel funny. I page the nurse and as soon as I hit the button everything in my tummy comes out right in my lap. They come running in to see my 4 spray of vomit that is now in bed with me. Im shaking and am covered in puke but feel much better and am even laughing with the nurse as he takes everything off my bed and tosses it in the trash. I get told now we have to watch some more. My contractions start back up but they are still talking about sending me home. Erick is passed out in the chair and I jsut sit there a little longer. I failed my next watch by one contraction. Finally they come in and tell me that I am going home and need to hurry because they called in more of the pills for me to take every 4 hours and the pharm. closes at 9 (45 min) from discharge being signed.

So now I am home...yes I made it and got the pills but I am on strict bed rest. I have to call in if I have any discharge, more then 4 contractions in an hour or less then 4 kicks in 30 min (tested after breakfast). I go see the Dr for a followup on Wed.


  1. How scary! Hopefully everything goes the way it should and those babies stay in there a bit longer!

  2. I hope those babies stay in there and cook. Take care of yourself!

  3. What an awful night. Bed rest is no fun but you need to keep those babies in there for a while longer. Take care.
