Thursday, November 13, 2008

I was tagged...Again.

1. Link to the person who tagged you. - Sweatpea
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about you. - see below
3. Tag 7 random people at the end, and include links to their blogs.
beefsbride, mwilson44, Mrs.McJeep, Disney102399, ImRonBurgundy?, emma58, and EverAfterinMi
4. Let each person know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.

1. In the last 4 days I have only talked face to face with 3 people.

2. I get bored and move the furniture when Erick isnt home (pre-bedrest) just because I need a change.

3. I tell everyone my disney movie collection is for the kids but really they are mine and the twins better keep their hands off mommy's movies.

4. One of my favorite things is to hide and jump out when Erick walks by just to get him to jump.

5. I love to bake but I really have to be in the mood. This is actually the first year I am not making homemade pumpkin pies (I dont use that canned crap).

6. I love the Harry Potter books and movies and am actually thinking of rereading the series for the 6th time. Ok thats not exactly true I have read book 1 5x, 2 5x, 3 5x, 4 4x, 5 3x, 6 2x, 7 1x. Every time a new book came out I reread everything before it before reading the new one.

7. I am more afraid of family not respecting the time Erick and I want to ourselves to bond with the twins after delivery then the actual delivery. We want at least an hour of just the 4 of us to have time to feed, look, touch, hold, get a shower myself, and get comfortable before we want ANYONE there.

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe you've read those Harry Potter books that many times. That's a lot of reading.
