Saturday, November 22, 2008

Ahh the places I have been

I bet you missed me just a little. I was in a little bit of a funk and really didn't want to be around the world. So now as for where I have been. It has been a lot of just at home sitting by myself on the couch exciting I know. That really is where I have been. With the exception of the Drs office. I did get a little bit of a break and was allowed to go to my shower and 2 baby classes. I have been really bad though and haven't even touched the camera so I have no clue what pics were even taken at my shower.

Breastfeeding class:
I felt like such an outsider because I was the only one that mentioned I was having twins so I was asking questions about twins. Come to find out after the class there were two other twin mommies to be in the class. The class was ok kinda one sided and pushing the if you dont do this your a bad mommy line. Over all it made me feel like I really will be able to attempt.

So my second shower was in Manteca and I had a lot of fun. It was really great getting out of the house and having people wait on me. We played games and got gifts but I think the highlight was before the shower even started.

We went to the restaurant early to have lunch without being watched. I was eating in the private room as my mom and sister decorated because the other hostesses were running late. Well the lady cleaning the table noticed that it was being set up for a shower and asked who was having a baby. I told her it was me and it was babies actually 2 of them. He reply takes the cake my sister and I could have died laughing. Totally serious she says "you mean they might be twins?" lol I wish now I would have come up with a reply but I didn't. I just laughed and she left the room.

The following weekend a few friends came over because they couldn't make it to the first shower and we had a girls movie and gossip day and it was fun.

Baby Care class:
This class was more for Erick and he was excited for it. I think he learned a few things but overall we made fun of the videos that were way out of date. The most fun thing was that before the class they had dolls set up ad Erick got to learn how to swaddle using a regular blanket. He was really good except he kept banging the dolls head on the table. lol.

Drs appointment:
I gained weight. WOO HOO I was very excited. The Dr said I am measuring 41cm. I have to go in every Monday in addition to my Wed. appointments now. On Mondays I have to go to the hospital though for NSTs. The Dr said I could come into the office and do them but they take a lot longer because they would have to do one baby then the other. lol no thank you I will go to the hospital. I am now allowed to not just stay home as long as I extremely limit walking and standing. What that means is I can go out and see the world as long as I do it from a seated position. We can now take drives or go out to dinner or the movies. Which brings me to my next place I have been.

The movies:
Ok so last night DH took me to the movie to see Eagle Eye. Well these 3 boys (maybe 6th grade) sit behind us. When the movie was over they go down one set of stairs so we go down the other. Erick beat them but they were nice and stopped and let me go with him. I thanked them.

I was thinking what little gentlemen. I could hear him telling his mom "look how pregnant she is" (the 3 boys 3 moms were sitting in front of us). I heard his mom tell him how nice it was for him to let me go first and everything. As we were walking out I turn to look behind me and the little ass is making fun of the way I am walking. He had his hands out as far as they could go and was leaning back and waddling.

BTW the movie was good.

I know I need to get some new pics up. Shower, belly, baby, and whatnot. Maybe sometime this week. Right now my goal is to do the thank you note that have been looking at me for 3 weeks now. Once I get those done I need to get my Christmas cards done so they can be mailed on Wed. We never gave out our new address so I want to get them out so people have it. My goal is to be the first card anyone gets.

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