I have a few things I need to talk about that have happened in the past 24hrs or so. Most of which is good news.
We started an improved bedtime routine. Now the boys get play time, bath, massage, book, bottle, swaddle, then bed. Here is how it really goes. Erick plays with the boys while I prep the bath. When it is almost ready he cleans butts (most the time someone is poopy at this time) and gets the first baby nude. As I am washing whoever is first Erick is getting the other one ready. When washed I bring the wet baby wrapped in a towel to the living room and take the other one. Erick begins to dry, massage, lotion, and dress that baby. When I am done washing the other one I join them. We finish about the same time so while sitting on the floor I pass the baby I have off to Erick who reads them a book. I get up and go make bottles. When the book is over they eat, swaddle then go down. This seems to run smoothly maybe a little to smoothly. Both nights we have done this the boys have fallen asleep in our laps eating.
Last night we tried this new thing. We decided to let the sleeping baby lie. The boys were in bed by 730. We sat up and finished things that needed to be done. The boys had been eating again at about 10 or 1030. We waited to hear them stir and heard nothing. 11pm nothing. Finally at 1130 we decided to just go to bed. We were finally woken up at 1220. yes that's right nearly 5 hrs. So I get up not even a min later Erick has to get up because Ethan decided he didn't want to sleep in he wanted fed too. So they go back down 330 Ethan decided he is hungry. We let Owen sleep. hahah he fooled us 10 min into Ethan's bottle Owen was up and hungry. They go back down. 713 comes and both boys are hungry. That's right we were going to let the sleeping baby sleep and they decided that they wanted up too.
By the time the 713 bottle was empty the boys were awake and we started our busy day. First was Owen's heart appointment. We got there a little early and the place was empty (same place I had my NST done) but we still had to wait. When we get to a room I strip Owen he is measured and weighed (not releasing this info til tomorrow when I tell you about them getting shots). The Dr comes in and listens to his heart and says it will be about 15 min til we can get the u/s done. That 15 min turned into almost 40. The guy comes in to get us and tells us to bring everything because we are going to switch rooms after the u/s. So we pack everything and go into the room with the machine. I hold Owen while they get the pictures they need. By this time though the appointment has run into bottle time and he is no longer holding still or being quiet. They finally get the needed pics and we gather everything again and move rooms again. Once in our third room I got Owen dressed and made bottles. About the time the bottle were made the dr came in. Are you ready for this? I dont think you are. So the dr saw me put mylicon... just kidding ...INNOCENT... It is already closing and working itself out. There is no need for a follow up or anything. Ok really the dr did see me with the mylicon and started this whole discussion about how and why it worked. Then we left.
From the Dr we had to go straighten out Ethan's social security number. We find the office and it is full. We get our number and sit down. The boys are still hungry so we start to feed them the bottle made at the Drs. I just get Owen eating and my number is called. CRAP I don't want to stop him but i need to do this. I hand him off to Erick who starts to feed him. I leave everyone at the seats and take the stuff needed to get Ethan's card. I just get to the window when I hear Ethan crying to eat too. Poor Erick. I try to hurry the lady. i get the print out and rush back to the seat. Erick has Owen in his lap and is hunched over feeding Ethan in his car seat. I take Owen and we decide to sit there and feed the boys then finish our errands.
After finding lunch for ourselves we dropped off some papers at the school for a friend. I love taking the boys to the school they get oohed and ahhed over. Then we went and opened savings accounts for the boys. After that it was off to target then home.
Whew what a day!!!
EDIT: Erick was just putting away the paperwork form SSA and noticed that the lady that entered our info wrong. Wrong address #, apartment # missing and wrong zip. Guess I get to go back to social security tomorrow. crap I know its my fault for not checking it while I was there but I needed to help feed my babies.