Monday, February 2, 2009

back to square one

I think I talked before about how Ethan almost didn't come home with us because he wasn't gaining weight and was spitting/choking. We were told that it was a mild case of reflux and it would go away. Well over the last week it has gotten worse. Not only that but Owen had started displaying the same symptoms. After a few cases of formula coming out little tiny noses and lots of grunts and back arching i got lucky and the Drs office called on Friday (as I was picking up the phone to call them). I was lucky and they got me in today.

The boys appointment went a little less than stellar. After getting weighed in (Owen-8lb 10oz and Ethan-8lb 5oz) the Dr came in. She examined them and felt tummies. We talked about what had been happening. She told me they both have reflux but she doesn't want to put them on the meds because of the side effects and they are still gaining so its not a threat just a nuisance. She gave me a paper to read. She wants to keep the boys on the same formula because of the extra calories so for now we have to try cutting the boys intake back down to 2oz at a time and bring it back to every 3 hrs (the same schedule we were on when we came home 5 weeks ago). On top of that we have to now hold the boys in a completely vertical position for an hour after every feeding (there goes my sleep). If that doesnt work then we can switch formulas or thicken (trying to avoid this because Owen is already on Karo syrup for constipation). We go back in three weeks for 2 month shots and she will check them again and decide what to do from there. Because we were there she took the time to listen to Owen's heart again and I was instructed for no reason should I risk missing his cardio appointment (um yeah way to make a mom worry more). So to say the least this is going to be interesting feeding, holding and diapering is going to take 1.5-2 hrs to do both babies that gives me 1-1.5 hrs between feedings to do what I need to do (eat, sleep, shower, or household cleaning). I hope this works... please let this work because this is still better then the screaming and the formula out the nose.

1 comment:

  1. I am so sorry about the reflux. Riley has it too and it is awful. I am suprised she is making you go without the drugs, Riley was so misrable there is no way I could stand to not have him on them. I hope both boys start gaining some extra weight soon. GL at the cardio appt. I will pray that everything will be okay.
