Owen: weight-10lb 3oz (22%), length-21.25in (2%), head-15.5in (12%)
Ethan: weight-10lb 6oz (25%), length-21in (2%), head-15in (12%)
The Dr left and we were once again left waiting and not being allowed to feed the boys. We had to wait for the nurse to come back to give the boys their shots but because one of the vaccines was oral they couldn't eat yet. At this point we have been in the office for almost 2 hrs. My mom was with us to help me but she had to go to the bathroom. So I am sitting in the little room with 2 very hungry upset little boys all by myself.
Finally the nurse comes in. I hold Ethan so she can give him the oral one... he spit it on her and me. Then I have to hold him down while he gets his 3 shots. He screamed and there was nothing I could do because the nurse need me to hold Owen to follow the same process. When both boys are done they are laying on the table and I give them the bottle. It was instant calm. This however was short lived because the nurse needed the room so we had to go. My only option was to pack them up and move to the waiting room (where my mom is because she couldn't get back in). When finally given the chance to really eat the boys scarfed the bottles and pass out.
Sense the appointment the boys have not been the same. They are not really napping/sleeping. They don't want to be held. Owen isn't hungry. Needless to say it has not been easy. It is 10pm now and they are in bed now. Im hoping they have better night then they did day.
***Follow up from yesterday***
I did make it to social security again today but by the time I got there his card request had been processed and sent. So my only choice is to wait 2 weeks to see if it shows up here (how could it they put the wrong street #, forgot my apt # and put the wrong zip). If it doesnt come then I get to request it again. If the card makes it back to them they will call me and I can pick it up at the office.
Oh my what a day! We still haven't gotten Riley's first shot since we are all fighting colds. I am sorry the office is such a pain, can you get a different Dr, maybe one who sticks to an appointment schedule?
I hope the boys are better today.