Friday, October 30, 2009

Things I could do without

I forgot to post The boys are now 10 months old. woo hooo. Things are getting really fun now. They respond to you and play really well but there are a few things I could do without.

* eating the paint off the cribs
* biting
* temper tantrums (I am talking full on through down on the floor kicking and screaming)
* climbing on everything
* arguing
*crying when I leave the room

Oh and my all time favorite

*looking at me when I tell them no and asking for dada

But like I said they are doing some really cute good things too.
* walking with toys
* baby kisses
* waving and saying by by
* the giggles at funny faces or being tickled
* making faces
* tub time
* feeding themselves
* playing in the mirror
* being held upside down
* clapping and saying yeah
* new words

As you can see the good list FAR outweighs the bad but ohhhh the tantrums. :(

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