Sunday, June 13, 2010

car trip with toddlers part 2

I know I know "where is part 1?" well part one is Not off to a good start. Really though if that is the most interesting thing to happen to us I am OK with that.

After our exciting and late start we finally got on the road at 3pm (only 9 hrs after when we were hoping to make the trip. We were mean parents and wouldnt let the boys nap until we got in the car or heard from the Dr. They were tired. So after being up for 9 hrs they finally took a 3 hr nap while we drove. When we stopped for dinner we found a place with a play area. When we sat down to eat we read a sign that said "no children under 4 or in diapers". WE were the only ones in the place so I begged the guy to turn a blind eye and promised that the boys wouldnt climb into the tubes. He allowed us to play. When it was time to get into the car the boys went willingly having spent a good 30 min running. We got them strapped in and put on an Elmo movie. Ethan started singing as soon as he saw the red furry monster. And not another peep was heard from them. I kept checking to see if they were sleeping but nope they were hooked on Elmo. When that ended we had to stop for a second so I could change the movie (the boys are still rear facing) it was a far reach to the player so I didnt want to do it at top speeds. The boys love cars and it has a good soundtrack so that went on next. Not another peep. After continued checking we saw that at around 9:30-10p Ethan was trying to block out the light with his blanket so the movie went off. Owen was out cold and we were only about 2 hrs form our destination. We thought we were in the clear.

Not long after the movie went off Owen woke and he decided he was done being in the car. He would cry for his paccie, i would give it and he would throw it. Then the same process for juice, water, blanket, goldfish and brown bear book. But at this point we are 40 min from where we are headed and it is a little after 11p. Rather then stopping and fighting over getting back in the car we continued on our way and with Owen's process.

At midnight we pull up get the boys out and into the house. I get them a snack and come milk. We let them run while we bring things in and set up beds. As soon as they saw the beds they were asking for nigh night (poor things). We go ahead and do the normal bath process just quicker and get them into bed. Not a peep was heard til after 9am. As soon as the boys were up we got ready for breakfast. By the time we were leaving for breakfast they were asking for bed again (only took 15 min to get ready). Breakfast and family visits then nap.

The boys really are taking it well but are really testing their limits because we are in a new place. Today is more family and naps. Tomorrow another 8-10 hour drive. I hope this one is as easy as the last one.

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