Let me start by saying that No we are not potty training. We are however encouraging the fact that the boys are interested. They are starting to want to sit on the potty and they are telling us when they are dirty.
So today I am playing with them on the floor and Ethan comes over to me and tells me poo poo. So I look and he isnt dirty. I take him in the bathroom and have him sit on the potty. He sits there for 5 min and nothing. He asks to get down, I let him down and tell him we will try later. Five min later he poops. He comes up to me and tells me poo poo, I change him he walks away and poops again. grrr. Then I repeat the process with Owen.
How do I teach the difference between a fart and poop? They dont seem to know the difference. I know farts can lead to poop but they want to sit on the toilet NOW and then get off before they poop.

Nothing wrong with getting them uses to the potty! We got a potty chair and through out the day I'll ask Em if she wants to go pee pee on the potty. She knows what the potty is and she knows that she sits on it. So we take her diaper off, let her sit on it and get comfortable with it. So far nothing but at least she's interested! :) Good luck!