Today both the boys and I had appointments to check on us.
Mine was first. It started out great then turned a little sour. I get called back and they have me step on the scale and I am at my pre-pregnancy weight. woo hoo. I knew I had to be close because I am also in my old pants. Then we go in the room. The nurse ooohs and ahhhs over the boys. She then asks if I have any issues or problems I need to discuss. I tell her yeah there is a sore spot I am concerned about but that it has hurt sense before I came home. She leaves and the Dr comes in, he looks and I have an infection. He says I should have been wearing a pad across the incision. Why was I never told that? They had it open to the air in the hospital. I even told them before I was discharged that the spot hurt. Grrr
Then we go down stairs for the boys appointment. We no sooner sat down then we were called back. The boys get weighed. Owen is now 5lb 10oz. That is a whole 6oz above his birth weight. Ethan on the other hand is still at his discharge weight of 5lb 3oz. Once again they switch his formula. I really hope this works. We go back for him next week. Owen doesnt have to go back for 2 weeks. We also have to make another appointment with a different Dr to get the boys clipped but we have to wait 2 more weeks for that as well. Both boys a still a little jaundice but the levels are not a worry right now.
We are officially on lock down. The boys do not qualify for the shot to protect them from RSV but they have 6 of the factors that put them at high risk.
* premature birth (born more than 4 weeks early, with or without lung disease)
* being born boys
* low birth weight (under 5½ pounds)
* family history of asthma
* Infants who are not breastfed
* multiple births (for example, twins)
RSV is the leading cause of lower respiratory tract infections in babies and young children. About 67% of babies are infected with RSV before their first birthday and virtually all children will have been infected by their second birthday. Most of these infections result in minor illness. But in some high-risk children (particularly preemies or children who have experienced lung complications) RSV can be life threatening.
We ask that all visitors do the following:
1. When you arrive, please wash your hands and use hand-sanitizer as needed before touching the babies.
2. Please, if it is possible, get a flu shot.
3. Please refrain from coming over if you are currently sick and have not been symptom-free for at least 5 days, if you live with someone who is sick, or have been in close contact with someone who is sick.
4. If you smoke, we ask that you change your clothing and refrain from smoking prior to visiting, as a preemie’s lungs are very sensitive to smoke. Most RSV sites recommend against passive smoke exposure.
5. If you are parents to a baby or toddler, please refrain from bringing them to our house during RSV season.
6. Please call before coming over so that we may limit contact and people handling.
The best part of all this is we are not allowed to take the boys out in public. Yep thats right after 6 weeks on bed rest I am still housebound. Only this time its not weeks its months. RSV season for our area goes til April.