Thursday, January 22, 2009

maybe not so good news

So yesterday Owen had an appointment. It should have been just to see how he is growing (which by the way is great he is just below the charts and should be on them very soon). He now weighs 7lb 3oz and is 19 in long. Well after all the measuring and stuff the Dr was listening to his heart and thought she heard something. She spent some time moving him and listening. Well she thinks she heard a murmur. So now we are waiting to get a referral to see the cardiologist. I am really trying not to worry but it is hard not to. We were told that it could be nothing and many children have them and grow out of them.

In other news I have a camera full of pics I want to post but in a sleepless stupor SOMEONE (Erick) did something with the cord to upload the pics and now we cant find it. So pics will be posted as soon as the cord is found.

1 comment:

  1. My sister had a heart murmur. It closed on its own. Try not to stress until you know for sure. You are doing so awsome. Hope you are having fun.
