Thursday, January 1, 2009

We have boys

About the boys
So we are home now but I know you all want to know everything that has happened before now. Well I went in for an NST and Erick came with me at 8am 12-27-08. He had been to only one before then and we were there for 6 hrs for observation. This was my follow up to that appointment and Erick walked in and said that if we were going to be there another 6 hrs he didnt want to leave without the babies. Well about 20 min later they came in and said I was having some contractions and once again baby b's heart rate was dropping we were waiting to hear back from a call put into the dr. About 10 min later I was being told Erick got is wish. The Dr was happy that I was 36 weeks and didnt want to wait any longer. We were told to get me changes and I would be going in for my c-section at noon.

I got ready and Erick and I were talking. We were both excited and nervous. The Dr came in to talk to me about 930 he said he was ready and to get me ready. About that time though the lady next door started pushing so I got to wait. During the wait I met everyone and had everything explained to me. I also go preped and all that that entails. Just before 10 they came in and walked me to the OR across the hall. Erick had to wait (he said he paced the whole time). They sat me on the table and started to give me the spinal. He couldnt find the space it needed to go (i was warned that I may need to be put under). On the 7th (yes you read that right) time I poked me it worked. He said my spine was so deep it took the whole needle. They laid me down fast almost rolling me off the other side of the table. All of a sudden the room was full of people (11 medical staff). Erick was brought in. He sat by my head and they let me keep my had unstrapped so that Erick could hold it. At 10:29am they told Erick to stand and quick. 3 seconds later I heard a cry and Erick looked at me with the biggest grin. Owen Carlos was born weighing in at 5lb 4oz 18.5 in long. The one Dr then told everyone to stand back for the splash. Erick cringed and then smiled. There was another cry and at 10:30 (really 10:29 and seconds) Ethan Joseph was born 5lb 9oz 18.5in. I got to see and kiss the boys and off they went to be monitored. Erick went with the boys and I laid on the table crying while getting stitched.

Recovery was an hour long in a tiny room with Erick in and out and a nurse filling out the paperwork that didnt get done before surgery like it should have. Then I was taken to my first room. The babies were still in the NICU for observation and people were in and out watching me. This is where things get fuzzy. my mom and in-laws came to visit. They all got to meet the babies before me because they could walk to the NICU and I couldnt. It would be 8pm before I really got to meet Owen. They then told me it would be a little longer til I would get to meet Ethan. At 10 they finally got to meet my little man but I was told he couldnt stay with me. Erick stayed with me til 2 even though visiting wasnt allowed after 10 we were overlooked and it was great int he private room. Owen slept on my chest the whole night. After lunch the next day they finally brought Ethan to stay.

The rest of my stay was a sad one because the boys were taken away from me again due to jondice (sp?) and because I didnt have the boys I lost my private room. That is a long sad story. They wanted to send me home on Tuesday (12-30) but when I told them I was attempting to establish breastfeeding they said I could stay. Not long after that the Pedi came in and told me she was switching both boys formula because they were not doing as well as she would have liked and Ethan may not get to go home right now. He lost 5oz and was spitting up everything we were giving him whether it was breast or formula. This caused me a lot of tears. There was no way I wanted to come home with only one of my babies. After more crying and talking with Erick we decided that i would stop pumping and breastfeeding and just worry about the boys gaining weight and getting big and fat. This was a very hard choice for me to make and even trying to type this out I am crying. I so wanted to be able to breastfeed but to be honest it was killing me as well. In order to do it with the boys under the billy lights they would bring me one baby I had 30 min to feed him any way I chose. If the baby was put to breast I had to use the last 10 min to give him formula. Then I would walk (if thats even what you can call it) to the nursery with baby 1 and sit in the nursery to feed baby 2. Then I would return to my room and pump for 40 min. when I was done I walked back to the nursery and gave them the breast milk. Then I had 1 hr and 20 min to go to the bathroom, shower eat or sleep. Even with doing this Ethan was still getting sick.

It was not until noon on my last day there that I knew for sure both boys were coming home with me. Erick got up early and get everything ready then sat at the hospital with me. Finally at 2:30pm on New years Eve after getting my staples out all 4 of us got to come home together.

Our first night was a rough one as we were given very specific instructions on feedings and amounts but we made it through it and are doing great.


  1. Yay congratulations! I can't wait to see pictures. Hope you're all doing well.

  2. Congrats! I am sorry to hear about the BFing. I know you wanted to be able to do it, sometimes life gives us challenges and changes our plans. (((((HUGS)))))) I am so glad the boys are healthy and were able to come home with you. I hope the c-section recovery isn't to rough. Mine was fairly hard so if you need to chat let me know. I found the belly wrap the most useful tool in my recovery.

    PS LOVE the boys' names!
