Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Good news

Ethan is starting to catch up!!! His appetite on the new formula is great. He is eating about 50ml at a feeding. It still takes twice as long to feed Ethan as it does to feed Owen but he is eating so we are happy. Owen is rapidly outgrowing the preemie clothes. shoulders on outfits are starting to pull but Im not really for him to be in the next size up yet lol. Last night for the first time Erick and I slept at the same time. We slept while they slept. I think it was really hard for Erick at first. He kept getting out of bed to check on them. After about the 3rd night feeding it looked like it was easier for him. It really was great not only did I get just over 6 hrs sleep last night (even if it was broken in 2 hr chunks) I got to sleep with Erick which is something I really missed.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you guys are getting into a routine and Ethan is starting to catch up.

    I had to put away Riley's newborn clothing last weekend so I understand not being ready to part with the preemie clothing. It was hard because I know he will never be that small again.

    I hope you are enjoying your boys and that your incision infection is going away.
