7am wake bottle 7oz
730-8 bouncer chairs (must sit up 30 min for reflux)
8-9 floor play/ baby yoga
9-11 nap
11 wake bottle 6-7 oz
1130-12 boppys (must sit up 30 min for reflux)
12-1 floor play/ tummy time
1-2 nap
2 wake bottle 7-8 oz
230-3 bouncers (must sit up 30 min for reflux)
3-6 play/tummy/yoga (if I am lucky there will be a 30 min nap in there)
6 bottle 7 oz
6-630 cuddles and snuggles with mommy and daddy
630-7 bath book and top off 1-2 oz
7 bed
Bed time is ALWAYS at 7 but they may not wake til 8 pushing back all bottles before 6 by one hr.
Well last night the boys slept in their own beds for the first time (well Ethan was in the crib and Owen in the pack n play). They slept til almost 8 so we just let them talk in there til 8. I got them up while Erick made bottles. They finished eating at about 830. We put them in their highchairs and ate breakfast ourselves. Then we did something else new. WE STARTED OATMEAL.
Before playing with spoons:

What is this thing?

I dont need your help I can eat on my own
Owen had to have his spoon taken away because he kept actually getting it in his mouth but he was gagging himself on it.
First bites:

After all messy:

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