Monday, August 2, 2010

19 months

This last week my little monsters turned 19 months old. It hardly seems right. My math must be off. They can't be 19 months already.

Thursday Grandma came to stay the night. After dinner we drove around looking at houses. It was interesting. Early Friday morning we took off to the state fair. It was nice out when we got there. Not busy at all. The boys rode in their little buggies and loved it. We walked all the through everything and looked around. Got the usual looks and questions about twins. It was a great day. We left the fair after 5 hrs with boys who needed a nap. They started to drift in the car but didn't really get into deep sleep. Just as we were getting into town they both work up but I had snacks so they were happy. We once again looked at houses (in another area). Shortly after we got home the boys ate and went down for the night. Whew it was a long day.

The boys are getting faster with their climbing and more coordinated. Ethan has no problem getting on the kitchen table. He can even pull the chair out. Owen is skilled at getting behind the couch. He has even mastered lowering himself over the back feet first. At this point I am really amazed they haven't tried to get out of their cribs yet. Erick and I know it is just a matter of time and are starting to plan big boy beds.

Naps are nearly always just one a day. Thank goodness they are still 3-5 hrs so I can get things done.

Owen has started telling me bye bye and leaving a room or pushing me out of a room. The problem with that is as soon as one of us leaves he comes running to make sure I am still there or banging on the door and crying for it to be opened (even if he is the one that closed it).

In 5 short months the boys will be 2. I can hardly believe it. We are already starting to plan their birthday party. I know it sounds like we are getting a little ahead of ourselves but I don't think we have a single free day in December at all. So for right now the boys party is being planned for December 4th.

Oh I should mention before anyone gets to excited that no we are not buying a house. We are not near ready to buy a house but it is fun to look. Before we can buy we need to get rid of some of our student loan debt.

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