So today I had an appointment with a doctor in the practice that I had yet to meet. The doctor suggested it might be a good idea to meet him because he will be on call New Years Eve and day. Then my normal Dr said he was a nice guy and kinda looked like Santa. So all week I was kinda excited about meeting Santa lol. The appointment did not live up to the excitement though.
First we get there and it says out of all the doctors he is delayed. I am thinking great now I get to wait god knows how long. I wasnt waiting long the sign was wrong as was everything else from that point on. They took my weight +7 lbs in 5 days. OUCH. Im still not even up 30 but still. Then she had me stand in the hall and wait for the bathroom to be cleaned in order to leave a urine sample. Finally rather then show me to the room she pointed and told me last door down the hall. The last door down the hall was a supply closet. So I am sitting in the room and she finally comes in to take my blood pressure (117/70) and starts asking me about the baby. I nicely tell her babies. She tells me she feels sorry for me and asks if I have lots of help at home. Then She said she was glad she didnt have twins. At this point I am ignoring her. She hands me a blanket and tells me to undress from the waste down and starts to walk out. I give her a puzzled look I was told no internals yet because they dont want to set me off. She then looks in my chart and asks me if I have had the group B test. I say no. She said waste down preps for it and walks out. Isnt that something she should know before telling someone to undress? What was she expecting the Dr to need me undressed for he didnt do an internal? So I am now sitting there undressed and waiting thinking great this now this appointment is hi nice to meet you let me look under the hood.
Finally the doctor comes in he says something about the baby. I look at him and say babies its twins. To that he replies and I quote "I was wondering why you were so huge". Um excuse me? Im not even up 30 lbs yes I know I am big but didnt you bother to peek in the chart of a new patient especially if you were wondering something. So at this point I am peeved. I dont even care anymore. He asks me what position they are in and I tell him I dont know the last time that was checked was 11-25 and we know they arnt in the same places now. To that he starts arguing that no what was I told at my biophysical profiles (BPP). I try to tell him I am not getting BPPs only weekly NSTs. He argues again telling me I should be biweekly. OK thats nice but that was not what was ordered for me. So he orders it (ie writes it on my chart). He then hands me my chart and tells me to give my chart to the nurse and make sure she calls it in. When did this become my job? I did though because I want to see the babies. Yes that is a true accounting no fudging account of my visit today.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Well I made it
I have made it on a few fronts. I am 34 weeks and the Dr is very happy that I made it this far. I made it through my first day off the Terbutaline without a trip to the hospital (knock on wood). Christmas is ready done and wrapped waiting under the tree for the people they need to go home with. All the stuff the twins need in the first few days is ready and washed. I have made it to a point where I am happy and comfortable that anything that is left to be done Erick could handle if it came down to that.
I look forward to the next few weeks and getting to spend more time with Erick between that half days and whole days he has off for the holidays. I am also really looking forward to meeting Erick's coworkers this coming Friday. Because He is at a new job I haven't met a single person he works with. Mostly I look forward to getting out of the house. I am lucky Erick now understands my cabin fever and he has been coming home and suggesting we go for drives to look at the lights on the houses. This is my new favorite past time. I have always loved the lights but I have much more appreciation for them now.
I look forward to the next few weeks and getting to spend more time with Erick between that half days and whole days he has off for the holidays. I am also really looking forward to meeting Erick's coworkers this coming Friday. Because He is at a new job I haven't met a single person he works with. Mostly I look forward to getting out of the house. I am lucky Erick now understands my cabin fever and he has been coming home and suggesting we go for drives to look at the lights on the houses. This is my new favorite past time. I have always loved the lights but I have much more appreciation for them now.
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
There is an end is sight
First off TODAY IS MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!
Ok now that that is out. Today I had an appointment. I gained and now I am at +25 lbs (23 if you ask some of the Drs in the practice). I am very happy with that. So the Dr finally comes in and is doing the lets feel the babies thing and pushing on my belly and no joke he says "my god that is a lot of baby in there!! Oh I mean babies." Thanks I know I am huge and most of it is them that means they are huge. So he says I go off the Turb. on Sat but they still want to keep me from going into labor so go in when I feel I need to so they can stop it. He asked if we had set a date for my c-section (babies are both breach). No we hadnt even talked about it. Well he goes I think we should set it for Jan 12th. That would put me 38 weeks. Then he adds "but it really doesnt matter because I dont think you are going to make it that far, I dont see you making it to New years". So the end is fast approaching. Oh and if Erick is right they will be here in 13 days.
In other, but still baby related, news... They are getting so much better at NSTs. Once again my NST today only took the 30 min.
Ok now that that is out. Today I had an appointment. I gained and now I am at +25 lbs (23 if you ask some of the Drs in the practice). I am very happy with that. So the Dr finally comes in and is doing the lets feel the babies thing and pushing on my belly and no joke he says "my god that is a lot of baby in there!! Oh I mean babies." Thanks I know I am huge and most of it is them that means they are huge. So he says I go off the Turb. on Sat but they still want to keep me from going into labor so go in when I feel I need to so they can stop it. He asked if we had set a date for my c-section (babies are both breach). No we hadnt even talked about it. Well he goes I think we should set it for Jan 12th. That would put me 38 weeks. Then he adds "but it really doesnt matter because I dont think you are going to make it that far, I dont see you making it to New years". So the end is fast approaching. Oh and if Erick is right they will be here in 13 days.
In other, but still baby related, news... They are getting so much better at NSTs. Once again my NST today only took the 30 min.
Monday, December 8, 2008
33 weeks


22 weeks...What a difference.
Really there is no new information. It is really hard to come up with what to write when you do the same thing every day. I have the TV line up memorized and have really become addicted to 2 games on but other then that no news is good news.
This past weekend was the holiday family gathering for my dads side of the family. It is an ornament exchange. I had fun taking the one my cousin really wanted. hehehe Im a stinker. I ate lots of food so I am hoping for a good weight gain this week. My next appointment is Wednesday which also happens to be my birthday.
I will keep trying to do a better one but here is attempt #1

Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Well you know what they say
No news is good news. I kept holding out to get pics in a post but cant seem to find the charger for my camera which is dead at the moment. I started my weekly NSTs boy are they fun. Besides taking almost an hour to get checked in I was hooked up to the machine for an hour and a half. Finally the nurse gave up and went to call the Dr to see what to do. Wouldn't you know my Dr was off. I also got a new u/s last week. Both babies are breach. Well at least that is what she is calling it. Baby B is kinda diagonal. Baby A is so low in my pelvic bone that the tech could see legs. The good news is that I am holding strong and not funneling at all. Once again I didnt gain any weight but I didnt lose any either. Oh did I mention the chunkers were a whopping 3lb 12oz and 3lb 15oz last Tuesday. This is the biggest weight difference they have had but it is great because they are big for their ages. I will have another u/s in 3 weeks if I am still pregnant and if I cant cry myself into a sooner one.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Ahh the places I have been
I bet you missed me just a little. I was in a little bit of a funk and really didn't want to be around the world. So now as for where I have been. It has been a lot of just at home sitting by myself on the couch exciting I know. That really is where I have been. With the exception of the Drs office. I did get a little bit of a break and was allowed to go to my shower and 2 baby classes. I have been really bad though and haven't even touched the camera so I have no clue what pics were even taken at my shower.
Breastfeeding class:
I felt like such an outsider because I was the only one that mentioned I was having twins so I was asking questions about twins. Come to find out after the class there were two other twin mommies to be in the class. The class was ok kinda one sided and pushing the if you dont do this your a bad mommy line. Over all it made me feel like I really will be able to attempt.
So my second shower was in Manteca and I had a lot of fun. It was really great getting out of the house and having people wait on me. We played games and got gifts but I think the highlight was before the shower even started.
We went to the restaurant early to have lunch without being watched. I was eating in the private room as my mom and sister decorated because the other hostesses were running late. Well the lady cleaning the table noticed that it was being set up for a shower and asked who was having a baby. I told her it was me and it was babies actually 2 of them. He reply takes the cake my sister and I could have died laughing. Totally serious she says "you mean they might be twins?" lol I wish now I would have come up with a reply but I didn't. I just laughed and she left the room.
The following weekend a few friends came over because they couldn't make it to the first shower and we had a girls movie and gossip day and it was fun.
Baby Care class:
This class was more for Erick and he was excited for it. I think he learned a few things but overall we made fun of the videos that were way out of date. The most fun thing was that before the class they had dolls set up ad Erick got to learn how to swaddle using a regular blanket. He was really good except he kept banging the dolls head on the table. lol.
Drs appointment:
I gained weight. WOO HOO I was very excited. The Dr said I am measuring 41cm. I have to go in every Monday in addition to my Wed. appointments now. On Mondays I have to go to the hospital though for NSTs. The Dr said I could come into the office and do them but they take a lot longer because they would have to do one baby then the other. lol no thank you I will go to the hospital. I am now allowed to not just stay home as long as I extremely limit walking and standing. What that means is I can go out and see the world as long as I do it from a seated position. We can now take drives or go out to dinner or the movies. Which brings me to my next place I have been.
The movies:
Ok so last night DH took me to the movie to see Eagle Eye. Well these 3 boys (maybe 6th grade) sit behind us. When the movie was over they go down one set of stairs so we go down the other. Erick beat them but they were nice and stopped and let me go with him. I thanked them.
I was thinking what little gentlemen. I could hear him telling his mom "look how pregnant she is" (the 3 boys 3 moms were sitting in front of us). I heard his mom tell him how nice it was for him to let me go first and everything. As we were walking out I turn to look behind me and the little ass is making fun of the way I am walking. He had his hands out as far as they could go and was leaning back and waddling.
BTW the movie was good.
I know I need to get some new pics up. Shower, belly, baby, and whatnot. Maybe sometime this week. Right now my goal is to do the thank you note that have been looking at me for 3 weeks now. Once I get those done I need to get my Christmas cards done so they can be mailed on Wed. We never gave out our new address so I want to get them out so people have it. My goal is to be the first card anyone gets.
Breastfeeding class:
I felt like such an outsider because I was the only one that mentioned I was having twins so I was asking questions about twins. Come to find out after the class there were two other twin mommies to be in the class. The class was ok kinda one sided and pushing the if you dont do this your a bad mommy line. Over all it made me feel like I really will be able to attempt.
So my second shower was in Manteca and I had a lot of fun. It was really great getting out of the house and having people wait on me. We played games and got gifts but I think the highlight was before the shower even started.
We went to the restaurant early to have lunch without being watched. I was eating in the private room as my mom and sister decorated because the other hostesses were running late. Well the lady cleaning the table noticed that it was being set up for a shower and asked who was having a baby. I told her it was me and it was babies actually 2 of them. He reply takes the cake my sister and I could have died laughing. Totally serious she says "you mean they might be twins?" lol I wish now I would have come up with a reply but I didn't. I just laughed and she left the room.
The following weekend a few friends came over because they couldn't make it to the first shower and we had a girls movie and gossip day and it was fun.
Baby Care class:
This class was more for Erick and he was excited for it. I think he learned a few things but overall we made fun of the videos that were way out of date. The most fun thing was that before the class they had dolls set up ad Erick got to learn how to swaddle using a regular blanket. He was really good except he kept banging the dolls head on the table. lol.
Drs appointment:
I gained weight. WOO HOO I was very excited. The Dr said I am measuring 41cm. I have to go in every Monday in addition to my Wed. appointments now. On Mondays I have to go to the hospital though for NSTs. The Dr said I could come into the office and do them but they take a lot longer because they would have to do one baby then the other. lol no thank you I will go to the hospital. I am now allowed to not just stay home as long as I extremely limit walking and standing. What that means is I can go out and see the world as long as I do it from a seated position. We can now take drives or go out to dinner or the movies. Which brings me to my next place I have been.
The movies:
Ok so last night DH took me to the movie to see Eagle Eye. Well these 3 boys (maybe 6th grade) sit behind us. When the movie was over they go down one set of stairs so we go down the other. Erick beat them but they were nice and stopped and let me go with him. I thanked them.
I was thinking what little gentlemen. I could hear him telling his mom "look how pregnant she is" (the 3 boys 3 moms were sitting in front of us). I heard his mom tell him how nice it was for him to let me go first and everything. As we were walking out I turn to look behind me and the little ass is making fun of the way I am walking. He had his hands out as far as they could go and was leaning back and waddling.
BTW the movie was good.
I know I need to get some new pics up. Shower, belly, baby, and whatnot. Maybe sometime this week. Right now my goal is to do the thank you note that have been looking at me for 3 weeks now. Once I get those done I need to get my Christmas cards done so they can be mailed on Wed. We never gave out our new address so I want to get them out so people have it. My goal is to be the first card anyone gets.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
I was tagged...Again.
1. Link to the person who tagged you. - Sweatpea
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about you. - see below
3. Tag 7 random people at the end, and include links to their blogs.
beefsbride, mwilson44, Mrs.McJeep, Disney102399, ImRonBurgundy?, emma58, and EverAfterinMi
4. Let each person know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
1. In the last 4 days I have only talked face to face with 3 people.
2. I get bored and move the furniture when Erick isnt home (pre-bedrest) just because I need a change.
3. I tell everyone my disney movie collection is for the kids but really they are mine and the twins better keep their hands off mommy's movies.
4. One of my favorite things is to hide and jump out when Erick walks by just to get him to jump.
5. I love to bake but I really have to be in the mood. This is actually the first year I am not making homemade pumpkin pies (I dont use that canned crap).
6. I love the Harry Potter books and movies and am actually thinking of rereading the series for the 6th time. Ok thats not exactly true I have read book 1 5x, 2 5x, 3 5x, 4 4x, 5 3x, 6 2x, 7 1x. Every time a new book came out I reread everything before it before reading the new one.
7. I am more afraid of family not respecting the time Erick and I want to ourselves to bond with the twins after delivery then the actual delivery. We want at least an hour of just the 4 of us to have time to feed, look, touch, hold, get a shower myself, and get comfortable before we want ANYONE there.
1. Link to the person who tagged you. - Sweatpea
2. Share 7 random and/or weird facts about you. - see below
3. Tag 7 random people at the end, and include links to their blogs.
beefsbride, mwilson44, Mrs.McJeep, Disney102399, ImRonBurgundy?, emma58, and EverAfterinMi
4. Let each person know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment on their blogs.
1. In the last 4 days I have only talked face to face with 3 people.
2. I get bored and move the furniture when Erick isnt home (pre-bedrest) just because I need a change.
3. I tell everyone my disney movie collection is for the kids but really they are mine and the twins better keep their hands off mommy's movies.
4. One of my favorite things is to hide and jump out when Erick walks by just to get him to jump.
5. I love to bake but I really have to be in the mood. This is actually the first year I am not making homemade pumpkin pies (I dont use that canned crap).
6. I love the Harry Potter books and movies and am actually thinking of rereading the series for the 6th time. Ok thats not exactly true I have read book 1 5x, 2 5x, 3 5x, 4 4x, 5 3x, 6 2x, 7 1x. Every time a new book came out I reread everything before it before reading the new one.
7. I am more afraid of family not respecting the time Erick and I want to ourselves to bond with the twins after delivery then the actual delivery. We want at least an hour of just the 4 of us to have time to feed, look, touch, hold, get a shower myself, and get comfortable before we want ANYONE there.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Bad Dr no cookie
I dont think I will make another appointment with him and if I happen to go into labor on his day I think I will just cross my legs and hold them in til I get a new Dr.
First off he was the first of the 6 Drs I have seen in the practice that didn't even glance in my chart before my appointment. He didn't even know we were having twins.
Then He delighted in pointing out things that I was wrong about (baby locations and EDD). He actually told me that in my chart there were 4 EDD and none of them were the one I was saying. Funny because the one I am telling you is the one that they have been telling me for more then 20 weeks.
Then when I asked if I should be concerned that in less then a week I have lost 8 lbs he told me not to worry there is more then enough weight there. Thanks buddy I know Im fat I was actually seeing the Dr and lost 40 lbs before I got pregnant you would know that if you have read any of my chart.
So now I am up a grand total of 15 lbs and cant wait til next week to see the Dr I like. I have a lot of questions but got sick of trying to talk to the jack ass.
First off he was the first of the 6 Drs I have seen in the practice that didn't even glance in my chart before my appointment. He didn't even know we were having twins.
Then He delighted in pointing out things that I was wrong about (baby locations and EDD). He actually told me that in my chart there were 4 EDD and none of them were the one I was saying. Funny because the one I am telling you is the one that they have been telling me for more then 20 weeks.
Then when I asked if I should be concerned that in less then a week I have lost 8 lbs he told me not to worry there is more then enough weight there. Thanks buddy I know Im fat I was actually seeing the Dr and lost 40 lbs before I got pregnant you would know that if you have read any of my chart.
So now I am up a grand total of 15 lbs and cant wait til next week to see the Dr I like. I have a lot of questions but got sick of trying to talk to the jack ass.
Friday, November 7, 2008
29 weeks a day late
Well this week has been fun. You all know about the hospital trip but I have yet to update you on the follow-up visit. Well to start it off I lost more weight. I am now only up 16 lbs. So in 2 days I lost 5 lbs. The Dr said no lifting more then 10 lbs, yes I am still on bed rest, any leaking or cramps to go in and if I think I need to be checked he thinks I need to be checked. On bed rest I am allowed to go to the bathroom, shower and eat. I need to be sitting, laying down or reclining as much as I can. I did get permission to go to my baby shower tomorrow and the baby classes at the hospital. I am still on Terbutaline every 4 hrs and will continue that for another 5 weeks. The hope is that this 5 weeks will allow my uterus to calm down and contractions will stop and I will be able to continue being pregnant. As of right now I am not getting steroids and I do not need mag. sulfate. I am now on weekly appointments. While at my appointment I got my first "Wow your about to pop arnt you?" comment. To which I replied "no actually I should have 11 weeks left but it is twins" lol the lady looked shocked. What do you think?

I have come to the conclusion that I do not like my belly rubbed but I do not mind if they feel. To me there is a difference. The other thing I have realized is that phone calls are annoying. If you are not going to come visit me I dont want to be on the phone with you because I would rather be napping and chances are you are calling in the middle of my nap. So for those that really know me my phone is on vibrate and most likely in the other room. Trust me no news is good news. And if I dont answer AIM it does not mean I am avoiding you but rather I fell asleep with the computer open or went to the bathroom or am in the shower. If I am on the computer I will answer.

I have come to the conclusion that I do not like my belly rubbed but I do not mind if they feel. To me there is a difference. The other thing I have realized is that phone calls are annoying. If you are not going to come visit me I dont want to be on the phone with you because I would rather be napping and chances are you are calling in the middle of my nap. So for those that really know me my phone is on vibrate and most likely in the other room. Trust me no news is good news. And if I dont answer AIM it does not mean I am avoiding you but rather I fell asleep with the computer open or went to the bathroom or am in the shower. If I am on the computer I will answer.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
found this and thought it was funny
Dear Non-Pregnant Person,
I hope you find these guidelines helpful in your interactions with pregnant women as failing to follow them may result in serious physical harm. ..
If you are thinking, surely she doesn't mean me- then you should probably read this twice.
1) The appropriate response to a couple telling you they are having ababy is "Congratulations!" with enthusiasm.
Any other response makes you an a$$
2) Through the wonders of science, we now know that babies are made ONLY by the mother and father- not grandparents. Unless the baby is in your uterus or you are the man that helped put it there, you may not ever use the phrase "my baby".
3) On the same note, unless you made the baby as defined in 2, the pregnancy, birth and raising of the child are not about you.You do not have input. No one wants to hear your opinion unless they ask for it. The same goes for the name of the baby.
4) The body of a pregnant women should be treated the same as any other body.You would not randomly touch someone's stomach if they were not pregnant, nor would you inquire into the condition of their uterus,cervix or how they plan to use their breasts.Pregnancy does not remove all traces of privacy from a woman.
5) Likewise, no women wants to hear comments on her weight- ever.A pregnant woman does not find it flattering that you think she is about is pop, must be having twins, looks swollen or has gained weight in her face.Telling her she looks too small only makes her worry that she is somehow starving her baby. Making such comments invite her to critique your physical appearance and you may not act offended.The only acceptable comment on appearance is "You look fabulous!".
6) By the time we are 20-30 years old, most of us have picked up on thefact that the summer is hot. We are hot every summer when we are not pregnant. We don't need you to point out that we will be miserably hot before the baby comes.
7) There is a reason that tickets to L&D are not yet sold on Ticketmaster. Childbirth is actually not a public event. It may soundcrazy, but some women really do not relish the idea of their mother, MIL or a host of other family members seeing their bare butt and genitals.Also, some people simply feel like the birth of their child is a private and emotional moment to be shared only by the parents.Like everything else in life, unless you receive an invitation, you are NOT invited.This includes doctor appointments, ultrasounds, labor,delivery, the hospital and the parents home.You do not decide if you will be there for the birth or if you will move in with the new parents to "help out".If your assistance is desired, rest assured that you willbe asked for it.
9) If you are asked to help after the birth, this means you should cleanup the house, help with cooking meals, and generally stay out of the way.Holding the baby more than the parents, interfering withbreastfeeding and sleeping schedules and making a woman who is still leaking fluid from multiple locations lift a finger in housework is not helping.
10) The only people entitled to time with the baby are the parents.Whether they choose to have you at the hospital for the birth or ask for you to wait three weeks to visit, appreciate that you are are being given the privilege of seeing their child.Complaining or showing disappointment only encourages the parents to include you less.I hope this helps- it sure makes us feel better.
All Pregnant Women
I hope you find these guidelines helpful in your interactions with pregnant women as failing to follow them may result in serious physical harm. ..
If you are thinking, surely she doesn't mean me- then you should probably read this twice.
1) The appropriate response to a couple telling you they are having ababy is "Congratulations!" with enthusiasm.
Any other response makes you an a$$
2) Through the wonders of science, we now know that babies are made ONLY by the mother and father- not grandparents. Unless the baby is in your uterus or you are the man that helped put it there, you may not ever use the phrase "my baby".
3) On the same note, unless you made the baby as defined in 2, the pregnancy, birth and raising of the child are not about you.You do not have input. No one wants to hear your opinion unless they ask for it. The same goes for the name of the baby.
4) The body of a pregnant women should be treated the same as any other body.You would not randomly touch someone's stomach if they were not pregnant, nor would you inquire into the condition of their uterus,cervix or how they plan to use their breasts.Pregnancy does not remove all traces of privacy from a woman.
5) Likewise, no women wants to hear comments on her weight- ever.A pregnant woman does not find it flattering that you think she is about is pop, must be having twins, looks swollen or has gained weight in her face.Telling her she looks too small only makes her worry that she is somehow starving her baby. Making such comments invite her to critique your physical appearance and you may not act offended.The only acceptable comment on appearance is "You look fabulous!".
6) By the time we are 20-30 years old, most of us have picked up on thefact that the summer is hot. We are hot every summer when we are not pregnant. We don't need you to point out that we will be miserably hot before the baby comes.
7) There is a reason that tickets to L&D are not yet sold on Ticketmaster. Childbirth is actually not a public event. It may soundcrazy, but some women really do not relish the idea of their mother, MIL or a host of other family members seeing their bare butt and genitals.Also, some people simply feel like the birth of their child is a private and emotional moment to be shared only by the parents.Like everything else in life, unless you receive an invitation, you are NOT invited.This includes doctor appointments, ultrasounds, labor,delivery, the hospital and the parents home.You do not decide if you will be there for the birth or if you will move in with the new parents to "help out".If your assistance is desired, rest assured that you willbe asked for it.
9) If you are asked to help after the birth, this means you should cleanup the house, help with cooking meals, and generally stay out of the way.Holding the baby more than the parents, interfering withbreastfeeding and sleeping schedules and making a woman who is still leaking fluid from multiple locations lift a finger in housework is not helping.
10) The only people entitled to time with the baby are the parents.Whether they choose to have you at the hospital for the birth or ask for you to wait three weeks to visit, appreciate that you are are being given the privilege of seeing their child.Complaining or showing disappointment only encourages the parents to include you less.I hope this helps- it sure makes us feel better.
All Pregnant Women
Monday, November 3, 2008
Interesting day (some yucky info)
So today started strange and just got better lol. Today Erick took his first sick day in 3 years. Why you ask....Tummy trouble. So I got the car and went to work. I was subbing 1st grade. I woke up feeling off but not bad just off. I go about my day and a little before 10 I start to feel contractions. I time them and they are 7 min apart. I get 6 and it is lunch time. I went and told the office they attempted to send me home and I didnt go. Maybe it was silly but I wanted to eat and the rest of the day was easy (movie, music, math then home). I Eat lunch and drink and the contractions slow down to 20 min apart. At this point the principal is following me and the teachers are hovering. If I burped I was asked how I was. I put a call into the Dr. (Really it is great to be loved by a school that much). Back to class and the contractions are slowing down but are feeling stronger. The office attempts to call me twice, I attempt to call back (cell was being picky). Finally I get a hold of someone that says take it easy and come in for an appointment. I finish the day and leave school as soon as all my class has left. I pick Erick up and head to my appointment. Get there contractions are back to 15 min apart and I would say about a 3.5 out of 5. Called back, weigh in (down 1 lb) and pee in a cup. I am told they will check me only if I want. I say I want done what needs to get done and am told to undress. Quick u/s both babies moving all over the place. They do a swab to see in labor is going to be soon and check my cervix 1 cm dilated. I am told I need to go in for monitoring. So off to the hospital. Get there (430) they send Erick to admitting to check me in so I cant be hooked up right away. I am no sooner in the door then they tell me I am the third set of twins to come in tonight. I am hooked up an they try to get the babies on the monitor. The twins were having nothing of it. They would only stay still if the nurse stood there and held the monitor. They give up for a little bit after she stood there for 10 min recording the HB. This is when I am told that my contractions are about 5 min apart and I am only feeling every 3rd-4th one. So I get Turbeline (sp?) This brings down the intensity and slows them bout doesnt stop them. They come back and give me another shot and a pill. This makes them almost completely stop. I am getting hungry. They bring me a tray. I got the the bathroom before eating. After taking about 5 bites I feel funny. I page the nurse and as soon as I hit the button everything in my tummy comes out right in my lap. They come running in to see my 4 spray of vomit that is now in bed with me. Im shaking and am covered in puke but feel much better and am even laughing with the nurse as he takes everything off my bed and tosses it in the trash. I get told now we have to watch some more. My contractions start back up but they are still talking about sending me home. Erick is passed out in the chair and I jsut sit there a little longer. I failed my next watch by one contraction. Finally they come in and tell me that I am going home and need to hurry because they called in more of the pills for me to take every 4 hours and the pharm. closes at 9 (45 min) from discharge being signed.
So now I am home...yes I made it and got the pills but I am on strict bed rest. I have to call in if I have any discharge, more then 4 contractions in an hour or less then 4 kicks in 30 min (tested after breakfast). I go see the Dr for a followup on Wed.
So now I am home...yes I made it and got the pills but I am on strict bed rest. I have to call in if I have any discharge, more then 4 contractions in an hour or less then 4 kicks in 30 min (tested after breakfast). I go see the Dr for a followup on Wed.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Not feeling to good about myself
Please don't ask me what is wrong I don't want to talk about it. If those that saw me today read this THANK YOU SO MUCH. You mean so much to me. I think that I am going to take a little blogging break until after my next appointment. Sorry
Thursday, October 30, 2008
This must be nesting..28w
All of a sudden I feel like I have no time and a million and one things left to do. I feel like I will never be ready and maybe I should just hold my legs together til I have everything done. I know I still could have between 9 and 12 weeks but at the same time I could have only days.
My goodness am I getting round.

28 weeks baby development (from

How your baby's growing:
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds ((like a Chinese cabbage) hahah they were that big 2 weeks ago) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
My goodness am I getting round.

28 weeks baby development (from

How your baby's growing:
By this week, your baby weighs two and a quarter pounds ((like a Chinese cabbage) hahah they were that big 2 weeks ago) and measures 14.8 inches from the top of her head to her heels. She can blink her eyes, which now sport lashes. With her eyesight developing, she may be able to see the light that filters in through your womb. She's also developing billions of neurons in her brain and adding more body fat in preparation for life in the outside world.
Results ****update****
So I finally got my results back from my GD test and others I didn't know they were running. Bad news it looks like I have border line anemia. 4 categories in my test came back low and one came back high. All were off by only a small margin.
component, my value, standard range
R B Cell Count 3.78 3.90-5.40 M/uL
Hematocrit 34.7 36.0-47.0 %
MCH 33.1 27.0-33.0 pg
RDW 11.4 11.5-15.0 %
Lymphocytes 25 26-46 %
I will have to talk to the Dr about this on Wednesday. I am already on iron. As for the GD test I scored 120 so I passed.
**** I called the Dr and they said it was normal and to just keep taking my iron pill but to be sure to take it with OJ. Thats it.
component, my value, standard range
R B Cell Count 3.78 3.90-5.40 M/uL
Hematocrit 34.7 36.0-47.0 %
MCH 33.1 27.0-33.0 pg
RDW 11.4 11.5-15.0 %
Lymphocytes 25 26-46 %
I will have to talk to the Dr about this on Wednesday. I am already on iron. As for the GD test I scored 120 so I passed.
**** I called the Dr and they said it was normal and to just keep taking my iron pill but to be sure to take it with OJ. Thats it.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
I am not a patient person right now
So on Monday I took the dreaded glucose tolerance test. I have got to say the worst part was not the drink that tasted like melted orange otter pop but the wait. It was frustrating sitting in a waiting room where people are coming and going while I just sat. Then There is the wait for the results. The office I am being seen in has a website and you sign up, get an account and then you can see your results online for everything. This is meant to keep calls into the office to a minimum because you can see your results. Well that only works if they post them. I want to know if I have to take the 3 hr test. I want to know how well I processed the drink. I am tired of waiting everything is waiting. Grrrr
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
So today was a busy day. My mom came and took me to my appointments because Erick couldn't take the time off work. That's right I said appointments. I not only had a normal appointment with yet again another Dr but an ultrasound appointment. I was so excited to get to see the babies again but was not looking forward to the scale. I waited my turn and got to see the babies first. HAHAHA no scale yet.
I was really looking forward to this because well one it had been almost 6 weeks without seeing the babies and two movement locations had changed an I wanted to know where they were. We get in there and both babies go crazy. The tech even commented on how active they were which was funny because I was hardly feeling anything. The good news was both babies look great. 2 lbs 4 oz for A and 2lb 5 oz for B. The bad news is she couldn't see my cervix so I was told I would have to have an internal as well. It showed that my cervix was great but she asked about pressure on it because baby A is head down ad in position (B is transverse across the top from my left to my right). I got some more pictures but dont have them scanned so sorry you have to wait. After this I went back to the waiting room for my regular appointment.
Dun dun dun I get called and that means the scale. I knew I had gained I just didnt know how much. I get on and 4 lbs. Are you kidding me 4lbs in 2 weeks. I got myself ready for the talk. This brings me up to 23lbs total. He comes in and says whatever I am doing keep it up because I am doing great. I have no restriction except for flying. My GD test was scheduled and I have to do it fasting. So my next appointment is in two weeks.
Earlier this week Erick and I had a great photo shoot with a new photographer. I cant wait to see some proofs because it was so much fun. Oh and if you haven't done so already play my game and guess about the twins.
I was really looking forward to this because well one it had been almost 6 weeks without seeing the babies and two movement locations had changed an I wanted to know where they were. We get in there and both babies go crazy. The tech even commented on how active they were which was funny because I was hardly feeling anything. The good news was both babies look great. 2 lbs 4 oz for A and 2lb 5 oz for B. The bad news is she couldn't see my cervix so I was told I would have to have an internal as well. It showed that my cervix was great but she asked about pressure on it because baby A is head down ad in position (B is transverse across the top from my left to my right). I got some more pictures but dont have them scanned so sorry you have to wait. After this I went back to the waiting room for my regular appointment.
Dun dun dun I get called and that means the scale. I knew I had gained I just didnt know how much. I get on and 4 lbs. Are you kidding me 4lbs in 2 weeks. I got myself ready for the talk. This brings me up to 23lbs total. He comes in and says whatever I am doing keep it up because I am doing great. I have no restriction except for flying. My GD test was scheduled and I have to do it fasting. So my next appointment is in two weeks.
Earlier this week Erick and I had a great photo shoot with a new photographer. I cant wait to see some proofs because it was so much fun. Oh and if you haven't done so already play my game and guess about the twins.
Thursday, October 16, 2008
26 weeks
Well I am getting bigger. Two of the 4 pairs of pants I fit in now leave a roll/indent on my belly when I sit. When I stand my belly is hard all the time. I am taking it easy like the Dr said and am starting to feel some braxton hicks when I do exert myself. My most exciting news is that my MIL went baby crazy and the last time we went there last week we left with a car full of stuff and one of the cribs being delivered. The best part is that as I write this I am waiting for it to be delivered as the site says it is on a truck in Stockton. This week I did something a little different with the belly pics I took 2 one before dinner out with friends and one after. I feel huge so I wanted to see if there was a difference.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Monday, October 6, 2008
The Dr said...
Everything looks good. He checked my fundal height and I am measuring past term for a singleton. The top of my uterus is up under my ribs. He said the twins are like ying and yang with placement right now. Heart rates were good and baby A gave the Dr a run for his money. While trying to get the HB every time the dr would just pick it up the baby would move. lol Yes I did laugh at the Dr for that one. I am up 19 lbs total so far. I a really happy with that based on the babies sizes. I was told I should start thinking about stoping work and taking it easy. He also told me I have to keep an eye out for preterm labor and if I am even a little concerned I need to call in. Better safe then sorry. So now I am seeing them every two weeks. My next appointment is the 21st and I get another level two u/s. I still have 5 more Drs I am told I need to see but I think I really like the one I saw today. We will see.
The Whole Story
I have been fo frusterated these last two weeks and really had no place to vent. I hadnt realized til this laps in service how much I really depended on the internet. I missed bloggin and I missed my nestie friends. I mised the outlet that I have that doesnt involve stressing erick out more. So now for the update on me and us. I am sorry because even before writing this I know it is going ot be long.
The new apartment: Yes we moved. That is want started this whole mess. The new place is bigger and smaller in its own great ways. I love the new place. It is only a few (3 blocks at just over a mile) steps from the old place. We are in the new place but not yet out of the old one. How is that? Well we wernt sure we were going to get in the new place so we didnt but our 30 day notice in. Right now we are paying for both apartments. This really was a blessing. It allowed us to move slowly and clean even more slowly.
Service transfers: This was an adventure. Cable took a week. Gas (to get hot water) took 3 days. Yes we lived in a place for 3 days taking ice cold showers. Phone took 2 days then only worked for 3 days. The internet was the most fun though. Phone and internet are the same 3 letter titled company. When I called on a Monday I was told that Tuesday we would have phone and Wednesday would be internet both would be on before 8pm on the respective day. Tuesday phone was on by 1pm. Wednesday by 8:15pm we still had no net. I call the only number for the co that is open at that "late" hour is tech. support. So I talk to 3 people including a manager and get told that I will get a call by 11am the nex day. So Thursday I call at noon give them my ticket number and get told that I will be getting a call before the end of business that day. I try to file a complaint and get the following message "due to an unforseen insident beyond our control we can not accept calls at this time" then it hangs up on you. They same message comes up when I try to call billing. At this point I dont trust them. I call at 4:30. At 7pm I finally get to talk to someone. At this point I break down and cry. They had an influx of calls so they were kicking the calls to any open phone in the company. I wasnt talking to someone that could help me and I had been on hold for over 2 hrs. This kind woman walks me through the system keeping me on her phone and connecting me to who I need to be talking to til I get to a guy that once again tells me someone will call me the next day to tell me if they could rush my repair but the best he could do was give me a request for repair on monday. I kindly ask him what happens when no one calls just like no one called the last 2 times that I was told someone will call me. He gave me a new number to call. The next day (now Friday) I do get a call not from a real person but an automated system telling me my request for rush service has been denied. Figures! We go out Fruday night to get away from this and come home to our phone not working. Figures! I call again and get told they will combine the calls and both repairs will be done before noon on Monday. Fine whatever. Obviously they finally followed though. I also have a new number I will be calling today to complain to today.
My fall: Yes you read that right I fell. The story really is stupid and funny and I didnt fall far. I sat on an icechest with wheels on one end and leaned to get something off the floor. As I leaned forward the icechest went back and I ended up on my ass. It frightened me and I was sore so I called the Dr they said everything was fine as long as I wasnt bleeding, leaking or cramping and because I had felt movement after the fall. They said I would be sore for a week or two and to just take it easy.
Erick: The last two weeks have been really hard on him. He tries to keep it in but I can tell. Friday was his last day at the job he really liked and has held for two years. Along with moving where he has to do all the lifting and today he started his new job. He is so worried and frightened. Everything is changing and the man isnt really a fan of change. He knows it is for the best but he doesnt want to stress me out so he keeps it all in.
The car: Yesterday was a fun day. To get ready for Ericks first day of work we wanted the car to look good. We go to the carwash and pay the $9 for the wash. After waiting for the 6 cars in front of us to go it is our turn. We punch in the code as the car in the wash gets to the dryer per the instructions on the key pad. We pull in. The wash starts. Our car gets covered in soap and then the arrow says our wash is up. WTF. The jackass behind us put in his code ending our wash. We pull out all soap covered because the machine isnt doing anything and it is beeping at us. Park and talk to the gas station clirk who gives us a new code. We get back in line, wait 4 more cars, back in the machine and the guy behind us does it to us again. People it says right there DO NOT PUT YOUR CODE IN TIL THE CAR IN THE WASH IS IN THE DRYER. It is really not that hard. This time Erick is mad and I tell him not to go anywhere. I get out of the car go in the station and tell them to fix it. They come out get us going and we actually get washed. All it took was 3 starts and an hour.
After the carwash we head to sears. Our car was making a noise and we wanted it checked out. Because this one is frusterating I will cut it short. This one involves needing new struts, shocks, rear break pads and 4 new tires. The tires were less then 2 years old the struts were so bad they ate the tires. This whole thing left us stuck at the mall for 5 hours with no money and left our CC with $1400 more to pay off.
Now to reward you for reading my long and boring story belly pics from Thursday 24weeks

Check back later today or tomorrow for an update from my Drs appt today at 430.
The new apartment: Yes we moved. That is want started this whole mess. The new place is bigger and smaller in its own great ways. I love the new place. It is only a few (3 blocks at just over a mile) steps from the old place. We are in the new place but not yet out of the old one. How is that? Well we wernt sure we were going to get in the new place so we didnt but our 30 day notice in. Right now we are paying for both apartments. This really was a blessing. It allowed us to move slowly and clean even more slowly.
Service transfers: This was an adventure. Cable took a week. Gas (to get hot water) took 3 days. Yes we lived in a place for 3 days taking ice cold showers. Phone took 2 days then only worked for 3 days. The internet was the most fun though. Phone and internet are the same 3 letter titled company. When I called on a Monday I was told that Tuesday we would have phone and Wednesday would be internet both would be on before 8pm on the respective day. Tuesday phone was on by 1pm. Wednesday by 8:15pm we still had no net. I call the only number for the co that is open at that "late" hour is tech. support. So I talk to 3 people including a manager and get told that I will get a call by 11am the nex day. So Thursday I call at noon give them my ticket number and get told that I will be getting a call before the end of business that day. I try to file a complaint and get the following message "due to an unforseen insident beyond our control we can not accept calls at this time" then it hangs up on you. They same message comes up when I try to call billing. At this point I dont trust them. I call at 4:30. At 7pm I finally get to talk to someone. At this point I break down and cry. They had an influx of calls so they were kicking the calls to any open phone in the company. I wasnt talking to someone that could help me and I had been on hold for over 2 hrs. This kind woman walks me through the system keeping me on her phone and connecting me to who I need to be talking to til I get to a guy that once again tells me someone will call me the next day to tell me if they could rush my repair but the best he could do was give me a request for repair on monday. I kindly ask him what happens when no one calls just like no one called the last 2 times that I was told someone will call me. He gave me a new number to call. The next day (now Friday) I do get a call not from a real person but an automated system telling me my request for rush service has been denied. Figures! We go out Fruday night to get away from this and come home to our phone not working. Figures! I call again and get told they will combine the calls and both repairs will be done before noon on Monday. Fine whatever. Obviously they finally followed though. I also have a new number I will be calling today to complain to today.
My fall: Yes you read that right I fell. The story really is stupid and funny and I didnt fall far. I sat on an icechest with wheels on one end and leaned to get something off the floor. As I leaned forward the icechest went back and I ended up on my ass. It frightened me and I was sore so I called the Dr they said everything was fine as long as I wasnt bleeding, leaking or cramping and because I had felt movement after the fall. They said I would be sore for a week or two and to just take it easy.
Erick: The last two weeks have been really hard on him. He tries to keep it in but I can tell. Friday was his last day at the job he really liked and has held for two years. Along with moving where he has to do all the lifting and today he started his new job. He is so worried and frightened. Everything is changing and the man isnt really a fan of change. He knows it is for the best but he doesnt want to stress me out so he keeps it all in.
The car: Yesterday was a fun day. To get ready for Ericks first day of work we wanted the car to look good. We go to the carwash and pay the $9 for the wash. After waiting for the 6 cars in front of us to go it is our turn. We punch in the code as the car in the wash gets to the dryer per the instructions on the key pad. We pull in. The wash starts. Our car gets covered in soap and then the arrow says our wash is up. WTF. The jackass behind us put in his code ending our wash. We pull out all soap covered because the machine isnt doing anything and it is beeping at us. Park and talk to the gas station clirk who gives us a new code. We get back in line, wait 4 more cars, back in the machine and the guy behind us does it to us again. People it says right there DO NOT PUT YOUR CODE IN TIL THE CAR IN THE WASH IS IN THE DRYER. It is really not that hard. This time Erick is mad and I tell him not to go anywhere. I get out of the car go in the station and tell them to fix it. They come out get us going and we actually get washed. All it took was 3 starts and an hour.
After the carwash we head to sears. Our car was making a noise and we wanted it checked out. Because this one is frusterating I will cut it short. This one involves needing new struts, shocks, rear break pads and 4 new tires. The tires were less then 2 years old the struts were so bad they ate the tires. This whole thing left us stuck at the mall for 5 hours with no money and left our CC with $1400 more to pay off.
Now to reward you for reading my long and boring story belly pics from Thursday 24weeks

Check back later today or tomorrow for an update from my Drs appt today at 430.
Friday, September 26, 2008
23 weeks
I am great the babies are great. I have been busy packing lol. We move this weekend and I cant wait to get in our new place. The babies will have a room of their own and we get a bathroom to ourselves. We also get to have our very own washer and dryer. As for the babies they have been less active the last week or so and it has me a little worried. Every time I think to myself that I am going to call if they dont move. They move. The other day they actually ganged up on me. One of them moved up making me very uncomfy. I finally got them to move down so I could eat then it moved right back up. The other one decided it was a chance to sit on my bladder. So I had one making me want to pee and the other making me want to hurl. It was a fun day. Today I had another fun experience. I was sitting on the floor pacing a box when I needed to get up to put something in another box the pressure made me pee my pants. THANK GOD I was at home and could change but still.
i dont have a belly pic this week but I will next week.
i dont have a belly pic this week but I will next week.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Good things come to those that wait
I know I haven't been posting and I went through my posts and started noticing that I was posting for others rather then an outlet for myself. I dont know how many people read this (I know I have one follower) but I think I need to go back to posting for me. I am really happy if you do read this and find it helpful or just like being up to date on my life if you are family/friends.
Life as we know it is changing and it is happening all at once. I know duh its changing your having twins. Its not just that its everything and life feels really unstable right now. It is getting harder for me to be on my feet teaching all day. When I did a full week last week in 6th grade though I did have fun I was exausted at the end of the day and slept like 12 hours friday night. On top of that we are moving. Yes I am happy to be moving it is a great improvement but I feel useless. I can pack the boxes but then I have to leave them there til Erick can move it for me. I also tire easily so he is still packing and Im sitting on the couch drinking water. i know its my job to bake the babies but I hate that he is doing so much. He spends all day at work and comes home to pack. Its not fair to him. Speaking of his work. He just got the call that he got the job he applied for. This means a big pay jump for our household. Not only that but he did something I didnt think he would even try. When they offered him pay 1 he talked them into pay 2. I am so proud of him standing up for what he thinks he is worth. He starts in 2 weeks and by next weekend we will be in our new place. Live looks good even if it isnt the same. oh did I mention that our new place is 2 bed 2 bath with washer and dryer hookups and a pantry. The complex has a plyground, pool, spa, tennis courts, gym and lawns.
Life as we know it is changing and it is happening all at once. I know duh its changing your having twins. Its not just that its everything and life feels really unstable right now. It is getting harder for me to be on my feet teaching all day. When I did a full week last week in 6th grade though I did have fun I was exausted at the end of the day and slept like 12 hours friday night. On top of that we are moving. Yes I am happy to be moving it is a great improvement but I feel useless. I can pack the boxes but then I have to leave them there til Erick can move it for me. I also tire easily so he is still packing and Im sitting on the couch drinking water. i know its my job to bake the babies but I hate that he is doing so much. He spends all day at work and comes home to pack. Its not fair to him. Speaking of his work. He just got the call that he got the job he applied for. This means a big pay jump for our household. Not only that but he did something I didnt think he would even try. When they offered him pay 1 he talked them into pay 2. I am so proud of him standing up for what he thinks he is worth. He starts in 2 weeks and by next weekend we will be in our new place. Live looks good even if it isnt the same. oh did I mention that our new place is 2 bed 2 bath with washer and dryer hookups and a pantry. The complex has a plyground, pool, spa, tennis courts, gym and lawns.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
22 weeks already
and all is well. Life has been a little topsey and we are trying to move so that has things a little crazy right now. We found a great place and are just waiting for a move in date. The new place isnt far from where we are now but it is so much better.
As for me I still feel great. I know you want more but really things are a little boring

If you really want to see the difference look at 20 weeks and at march's post "sick and twisted"
As for me I still feel great. I know you want more but really things are a little boring

If you really want to see the difference look at 20 weeks and at march's post "sick and twisted"
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Yesterday in a nut shell***updated***
So the appointment didn't go that well and was great at the same time. My appointment was actually two appointments. First with the Dr then an hour and a half later with the U/S tech. My weight gain is is fine 13 lbs at 20w4d I am happy with that and they didn't seem to mind. My BP was 130/70 but I had just ran to the bathroom because I really had to pee. We got to hear the HB for the first time 170. He said both were so close it was hard for him to tell if he was hearing the same one or the other twin. He wants me on iron pills now. That really was all for the first appointment then he had us wait in the exam room for our next appointment. We tried telling him that it wasnt for an hour and a half and he didnt listen. He went and told the tech to squeeze us in sooner and that we would be in that room. There was nothing in there to do. We finally convince them that its ok we can sit in the waiting room and go out there and she calls us back again for our u/s.
The u/s went great. Both babies are healthy and measuring right on track as far as height/ length. Their weights were estimated at 13 and 14oz. One twin is across my belly behind my belly button with its head at my left hip and the other is heat at right him and down with feet at my crotch (guess I know who kicked me). The tech couldnt figure out if she was labeling them right because they have shifted so We think they have switched a and b. We opted not to know the genders but we did find out why I am not really feeling kicks. One baby is kicking the other in the face and getting kicked in the back of the head. They were very happy in there and very active. Erick was ear to ear grins the whole time.
When we left there we headed straight to SF for a Giants game. We were celibrating Ericks bday. The day ended great with the Giants winning 6-2.

The u/s went great. Both babies are healthy and measuring right on track as far as height/ length. Their weights were estimated at 13 and 14oz. One twin is across my belly behind my belly button with its head at my left hip and the other is heat at right him and down with feet at my crotch (guess I know who kicked me). The tech couldnt figure out if she was labeling them right because they have shifted so We think they have switched a and b. We opted not to know the genders but we did find out why I am not really feeling kicks. One baby is kicking the other in the face and getting kicked in the back of the head. They were very happy in there and very active. Erick was ear to ear grins the whole time.
When we left there we headed straight to SF for a Giants game. We were celibrating Ericks bday. The day ended great with the Giants winning 6-2.

I've been tagged
I've been tagged by Sweatpea -
The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules to your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.
6 random things about me:
1. Erick is my first and only. First love, first kiss, first cough cough, he is my first
2. I had a dream the night before I took the pregnancy test that we were having twin boys but its just a dream .... right....we will see.
3. I am a Disney freak and actually get excited over Oct and March because the new Disney DVD comes out.
4. I have a birthmark just above my belly button. When I was little it was in my belly button. When I was born it was on my cord and my mom thought the Dr had damaged me.
5. The only phone number I know by heart is my moms. I dont even really know my own cell or home number I am always giving one for the other or half of each lol
6. My favorite movie of all time is the Labyrinth and most people have never even heard of it.
5 foot
The Rules:
1. Link to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules to your blog
3. Write 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post and link to them
5. Let each person you have tagged know by leaving a comment on their blog.
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is posted.
6 random things about me:
1. Erick is my first and only. First love, first kiss, first cough cough, he is my first
2. I had a dream the night before I took the pregnancy test that we were having twin boys but its just a dream .... right....we will see.
3. I am a Disney freak and actually get excited over Oct and March because the new Disney DVD comes out.
4. I have a birthmark just above my belly button. When I was little it was in my belly button. When I was born it was on my cord and my mom thought the Dr had damaged me.
5. The only phone number I know by heart is my moms. I dont even really know my own cell or home number I am always giving one for the other or half of each lol
6. My favorite movie of all time is the Labyrinth and most people have never even heard of it.
5 foot
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
He felt the baby
And I got the worst reaction ever. All he said was "is that all". He has been bitching for weeks that I could feel it and he couldnt and that is the reaction to the first feeling. He said he was expecting a high 5 or karate chop. POO HEAD.
You asked for it
OK its more like you whined that I was late in getting one.

Oregon was fun and below is a pic of the stuff I got. I really don't have an update really til Monday but I thought I would give you what you wanted.
How your baby's growing:
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).

The 20 week belly

baby stuff that has no home right now

15week and 20week side by side kinda

Oregon was fun and below is a pic of the stuff I got. I really don't have an update really til Monday but I thought I would give you what you wanted.
How your baby's growing:
Your baby weighs about 10 1/2 ounces now. He's also around 6 1/2 inches long from head to bottom and about 10 inches from head to heel — the length of a banana. (For the first 20 weeks, when a baby's legs are curled up against his torso and hard to measure, measurements are taken from the top of his head to his bottom — the "crown to rump" measurement. After 20 weeks, he's measured from head to toe.)
He's swallowing more these days, which is good practice for his digestive system. He's also producing meconium, a black, sticky by-product of digestion. This gooey substance will accumulate in his bowels, and you'll see it in his first soiled diaper (some babies pass meconium in the womb or during delivery).
The 20 week belly

baby stuff that has no home right now

15week and 20week side by side kinda

Sunday, August 31, 2008
back again
I have no clue how many people actually read this and I know i really didnt say I was leaving, but I did. i am back and a few things have happened. Yes I know I missed a belly pic i am sorry to say I just dont have one and will for sure post one for week 20. I was out of town and away from DH and it was harder then I thought. I was sleeping in a trailer with my sister and her baby. It was the worst sleep ever. Sister and baby were sick, snoring and conjested, the wind was swaying the trailer and if I was woken up I had to go inside the main house to go to the bathroom. The trip was fine really it was a great visit and normaly somethign goes bad while we are there. One year mom broke her foot, another I put my tooth through my lip etc. This year we were attacked by mosquitoes. I know you are laughing that isnt that bad in compairison to the above mentioned but let me tell you I would rather have my tooth through my lip again. We didnt realize stopping at a reststop to yes the bathroom would be such a big deal and we ended up locking ourselves in the car with 40-50 hungry blood suckers. They only went after my legs and feet (mom and sister are much worse baby is bite free). The problem is nothing in the store is working for the itch. I have even tried a few home remidies and they dont work so here it is 5 days after the bites and I still itch.
Now for the good news. The family was super excited to have all of us there and they doted on Chloe (my neice). There were 2 other babies in the family under one year old so we had a baby show one night. Another night I got a big shock. My aunts planned a shower for me. It was a complete surprise (I was almost an hour late to it). It was so much fun. We played games and had cake and visited with family I never get to see. There were so many gifts we didnt know how we were going to get them home but we did. My sister and I are master packers but let me tell you not one more thing could fit in my little car.
The drive home was the hardest on me I think. I was so excited to be coming home. This was the longest I had been away from DH in 3-4 years. We drove over night just like we did on the way there only this time EVERYONE but me in the car fell asleep. There are parts of the drive that the radio has no stations and it got difficult. By the end of the drive my hands were swollen and hurt. We made it and I am happy.
The twins are getting more and more active. I am still not feeling kicks but I am getting a lot of rolls. Everything )water included) was giving me heartburn while on the trip and nothing has today so maybe it was just stress and being uncomfortable. I have one week til my next appoitment. Dont worry my loyal readers I have no plans to leave again so weekly updates will be weekly again if not more often if something happens.
Now for the good news. The family was super excited to have all of us there and they doted on Chloe (my neice). There were 2 other babies in the family under one year old so we had a baby show one night. Another night I got a big shock. My aunts planned a shower for me. It was a complete surprise (I was almost an hour late to it). It was so much fun. We played games and had cake and visited with family I never get to see. There were so many gifts we didnt know how we were going to get them home but we did. My sister and I are master packers but let me tell you not one more thing could fit in my little car.
The drive home was the hardest on me I think. I was so excited to be coming home. This was the longest I had been away from DH in 3-4 years. We drove over night just like we did on the way there only this time EVERYONE but me in the car fell asleep. There are parts of the drive that the radio has no stations and it got difficult. By the end of the drive my hands were swollen and hurt. We made it and I am happy.
The twins are getting more and more active. I am still not feeling kicks but I am getting a lot of rolls. Everything )water included) was giving me heartburn while on the trip and nothing has today so maybe it was just stress and being uncomfortable. I have one week til my next appoitment. Dont worry my loyal readers I have no plans to leave again so weekly updates will be weekly again if not more often if something happens.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Twins are in
Please open this we need your help. Twins are in! to read it by clicking HERE. The multiples board I visit is trying something new to see if we can get some help from Oprah. We all know how she likes to do her favorite things show. We were hoping she would do a favorite things show for multiples moms from hollywoods multiples moms. We need your help! Please visit the blog and show your support by leaving a comment. The more support we get the more we might be able to get this going. Thank you.
18 weeks
Your fetuses have become amazingly mobile (at least compared to you), passing the hours yawning, hiccuping, rolling, twisting, kicking, punching, sucking and swallowing. And, babbies are finally big enough that you'll be able to feel those movements soon.
Sooner then we all think. I am feeling the babies almost daily. Not really feeling kicks all the time (though I do feel some small pops). Most of what I feel is roles. This week a really cool thing hppened. I felt one of the babies from the outside. I guess I just had my hand in the right place at the right time. The last exciting thing that happened this week is we registered. Our registry is set up at Target and Babies R Us (most items are at BRU). Before anyone family reads this and runs off and looks WE DO NOT and WILL NOT find genders out. Just because there is blue on the registry means nothing other than we decided a long time ago that yello blue and green stars and moons was our nurser theme.
EDIT: Wal-Mart was deleted because the staff at the store couldnt help me and wanted me to stand there forever.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Keep your 2 cents
We may be broke but we are happy and will do things the way we want. What is with people do they really think I want to know what worked for their kids 5...10...20 years ago. Hell half of the safety standards wernt in place then. I we dont ask for a tip then we dont want it. I dont care if you think the item I want is not needed or to expensive. If you think that then dont buy it for me. While we are at it what is with people hearing that we are having twins then asking us if we have seen jon and kate. Um just becasue someone is having twins does not make them like jon and kate. I just wish people would learn to butt out until asked. You dont have to like what we are doing you dont have to approve what we are doing. They are our kids and we make the rules.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
17 weeks
The babies skeletons are hardening, changing from rubbery cartilage to bone, and fat is finally accumulating around it. The umbilical cords are getting thicker and stronger, and those little fingers and toes are now topped by one-of-a-kind prints.

I think I have grown what do you think?
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Back from vacation
Sorry to those that worried. I am back and I am alright. Everything is fine with both me and the babies. I will post a better update in a few days.
Thursday, July 31, 2008
ups and downs
I really like my title this week and with the babies the size of an orange when you open this up you will understand. So I wont have any new baby pics until monday but I thought I would post anyway because today I am 15 weeks and I do have some news. I got a call from the other office I had to see last week. They are the ones that did the NT scan and blood test for downs. Well my results are in and we have a one in ten thousand chance of the babies having downs. We were told that this is the lowest chance they assign anyone. wooo hooo did the happy dance. So now that I have covered the downs lets talk about the ups. Oh my goodness what are these boobs and where did they come from? I swear I woke up and one day they were just there. I feel huge and not just in the chest. I had told myself I wasnt going to post belly pics and I am sorry the one is turned but thats how it loaded. So here they are belly pics. I look down at myself and I can see my little bump that is making my pants not fit. I look at the pictures and I just dont see it. I see a girl that looks like she has (and really has) gained 10lbs. So what do you think?

come back monday night for more baby pics (if they give me some)

come back monday night for more baby pics (if they give me some)
Thursday, July 24, 2008
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